1 minute read
likedmeninthei..i.,.,,ity,--esfeciallyFbl*givingsomeofthehistoryof in the southern part of the state, where Ftotl Curot ttiY^t-lt-1:^ -.^+-r +^ --r^-- --r canhe has been engag;; -i; tt " iu*b.. '.'--'- ar c _ They_also voted. to endorse and receame since 1900. st"rti;g ltr tt.t year, with the organiza- ommend to the Supreme Nine, at Minneapolis, that Mr. iir" "ilt " Cuiran Brotheis Lumber Company,.a.rt jo119na, David Woodhead of Los Angeles, be placed on the Su[:lii::Tli?::T:,:x"iff;tl*I'"!:
' erations in Southern ,California. Truly- a -nrr. ,n"rr, .ria Mr' Wastell served as Vicegeraht for the Bay District durone rvhose ,r"-" "rri p*rtG" *ill add'an untold amount ing the year just closing and Mr. Woodhead was Vice;;1h; t" tti. appoinimeni as Geieral Manager of their entire op- r1,hich he rvili- successfully lead for twelve gerant in I-os Angeles in 1922. months.