1 minute read
Confine your softwood doors to Laminex!
-& greatlry im|roaed door,
-nationally adqtertised and gueranteed.
-enables you to reduce stocks and increase t:urnouer.
-shoqrs you a better profit,
These are the reasons why Laminex has proved a near-sensation in the door industry! From Montreal to Jacksonville-fromBostonto San Pedro, Laminex has become the fastest selling door with jobbers and retailers.
Laminex is the product of men, resources and experience. After 3i years' research, we perfected the method by which we prevent doors from warping, twisting, buckling and all faults of ordinary doors. Our resources, which include timber lands, logging camps, saw mill and door factories, make this improved door possible at a low price.
Aside from the increased sales and pro6ts, Laminex doors render a satisfaction to your customers that cannot be measured in dollars and cents. You mav reolace a door which has warped, but you cannot replaie to your customer the time and exasperation which he suffers.
Seehowwe credte a demand for Laminex doors
The use of French doors actually creates door business which would not otherwise exist! We stimutate French door sales with our appeal to two and a half million homes through the Saturday Evening Post. And those we reach will want Laminex construction because French doors frequently twist and sag because of excessive weight.
Laminex French doors are built either all-flat or vertical grain, old growth Douglas fir. Every door is marked "Laminex" arid bears our gold label replacement guarantee.
Write for catalog and special selling helps for dealers.