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Hammond Lumber Co.
Shipment figurer, building permitr for thir montt and lart reportr of the cut during the lart two weekr at the Frr and Rea*ooa millr, atl go to predic{ and indicate a furtherance "ithl; *""" of 'betti timee and prooperity thd bit thir rtate a short time ago.
The market ir bobbing back in rplendid rhape, leaving-no doubt of the stabilitv ol tbe Fdl narket, nor of the fac{ that Californie could not long rtay where it war'
The milb, a good many of-ttemr-bave gone eiut ".f th' market and have been ver5l rhy on uoortng DCw b-ulmrela' Some of them took on ordere for large footage during Jury aoJ lu"t immediately afte .tte ehut-down, end tte-5r are witholt a doubt looking for a mucb stronger m.rtet, and in a migbty ehort time.
Here ir another angle. Conrider tte very rmall amormt of lumber ttat war beins bought during the month of June ""J i.-..tti J"tv. Prod-ucion figrlree were way- ovg w.bat th"y;;; ieltiig, and then rhe-buving rtarted' Ar h{ "ft;" .iee; ""id,-t"-t"t ie low when you can't rell t--d *["r U" tuvini rtartr, look out. lt ie-not tmrcarooable to ray that thie Cilifornia market ir -really--not y{ t' rtrong arit rhould be, or ae it undoubtedly will be. For rcverd ;;UA;Ffu--iu" h"t rold norc, each wed than th-ev il;-;i.- Every wholeraler and millman in the rtate bar ["a-iiq"Ll* foiar much lumber ar he would care to rhip, on thir kind of a market.
James H. Allen Named Snark of Universe 1925 Annual to be Held at Spokane
Minneapolis, September 13.-(telegram)-Thirty-third Annual meeting of Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo closed after wonderfully successful sessions. Attendance up t9 all expectations, -delegates from all over United States and Canada-
James H. Allen elected to serYe as Snark of the lJniverse foi coming year; A. J. Hager, Senior Hoo-Hoo; Ted T. Jones, Junior Hoo-Hoo; U. Nf. C-arlton, Bostorr, B9:-!- ; Andrew Maccuiag, Spokane, Scrivenoter; LeRoy King, Beaumont, Jabbenvock; Theodore Sparks, Winnipeg. Custocation ; It{ilton Klein, Atlanta, Arcanoper; David \\'oodhead, l,os Angeles, Gurdon.
The 1925 Annual rvill be held at Spokane.
Mr. Fred J. Crosier, who has been in the sales departm,ent with Sudden- & Christenson" Los Angeles, for some time, has resigned from that position efiective September'l3th.
The buying thd L bcing donc-now, b not' in oo: op.!' ion buvins tf,at *iU loed thc dcd.rt Rcteilcn rrc brybg l; i-iAi"d ddiy.ny' end to 6[ inncdiea!' end- in r t"t*. ",-fer of cerc+-tngcot DGGd& Crlffao| yardr cen pitJ a lot of lrnbcr bcforc it tfltd cre to lhc PdDt ot iverrtocking, comparing thcir *ocls -cwco ocrvrtlvcly to &e footaie tLat-tbclwcrc cdryiry b l92il' -- h-";;-;k-:th" -i-t"r nilb-of-lLc Wcd Cor't Lrn. b.;J; A;;&;d" cut e totel of E9,(X!O,(XIO fccq S ttev rcld 97 million. Salce ninc Eillion fcet owcr- producd";. ;J ro it har becn fq wcclr. Tbcrc millr havc rn" nU.i -it ordcrr emounting to ovcr foc thounnd cerr n .U."tly i"f "f thcir neJ budncr it fa rrrcr dcliv-cry' ;""rhs ; tot of hnb€r for Cesfqnir- In d!9 fu 6irlt: F;;k -ot tgil thir Arrocietion hel Produccd e -tolrl of 3r227rO0[.r(XX) fca of hnbcr,-and their dG. brve bccr i,Z-6Z,OOO,OOO fect 35 Eillim fcct ovcr produaioo' c million feet pcr wc& -__fil C.t6-i" Rcdwood Aroci*ion'r hrr bulhrin db "l*-"--".k';-t t of rcivco ud e hrf Eil[o fc'rt rDd thcv crtt a little ovcr eigbt nillio- L th; -,ttt, ""a"tt 6.tioo. to top thc crt' TtG So4r' .r"-P1".-Aftid,- beromctcr for-vccb brt $ilD dli .""aiOrl Their htt rcpct rhorr r wcdCr ralcr of 76 miltion egaintt a cut of 72 nillin n"*ilTtr "t L- Angels }Irrbq' to thc night of thc l2tt, were 3S,(X)O,(XX) fcct.
H. W. Sinnock, manager of the Redrvood Sales Co', San Francisco, has reiurned-from a trvo months' business trip throughout the Middle West and Atlantic Coast states' In soeaking of lunrber conditions in the eastern markets, Mr' Sinnock" stated that during the 6rst month of his trip he found the lumber demand very quiet but that the demand became very active during the last three or four weeks and that the prospects for a-good fall demand for lumber in the eastern markets is excellent.
Mr. Henry H. Laws, manager of the Adams Lumber Company, Sin Francisco, is spending a felv days in and "ronnd Los Angeles visiting -business friends and relatives.
I\Ir. Larvs, rvith Mrs. Larvs and their son motored from the northern city.
I!tr. L. NI. Titus, for some time past knorvn in the sales , force of the Los Angeles Lumber Products ComPany, has taken a position wit[ the Fred Golding Lumber Company, Los Angeles, repr€senting them in the Los Angeles territory in the sales department.

lf you have never opened a car shipped by Northwestern Redwood Co., of Willits. now ie t*re time to indulge yourself.
"Every Piece In lts Place."
You don't have to hope it's going to be right before you open a car shipped by Williams Fir Finish Co., of Seattle. It always IS right.