1 minute read
Yes! The Old Smile is Back Again
Here, in short, is what I told the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club in the early part of the summer, when pessimism was rampant in Southern California:
..Don,t worry about Southern California, and don't worry about thc lunbr marLctBy the First of july the Southern Pine market wiU swing upward. Within tbirq days the western market will follow. By early fall we will have a brisk lumber martet in California. We will have a good fall, a big winter, and a wonderful year ne:rt year. Tbc prosperity of Southern California will follow close behind the lumber market. We have " too, year, for direct reasons. The lack of rain last winter and its attendant'evils; the hoof and mouth disease which was exaggerated eve4rwhere; the forest fires that followed; all contributed to keep hundreds of thousands of people away from Cdifornia, and also contributed to the business depression inside of California. These things are regrettable, but temporary. Southern California will be smiling again bcfore fdl- Tbe pJople of the nation will flock out here next winter and next summer in greater numbers ih"r, ".r", before, trying to make up for THIS summer. Nothing can stop ttre progress of California. This talk of lengthy depression is all rot. Quit mourning and g'et ready for a big fdl and winter."
And it is working out to a dot. The old smile has come bacL Read the August building figures in this issue, and you will know why.
Everything is improving, in every line of business. There are still many doubters who think the present optimistic surge won't last.
But itWILL. Prospects for the next )fear look golden.
As far as lumber is concerned, it goes in waves. It always has. It dways will. When they overdo the thing again, Iumber will slip again. History makes that plain. Lumber goes UP until they quit buying it" Then it comes DOWN rmtil buying starts again. That's the history of lumber in every territory. Every man should do what he can to keep lumber prices reasonable.
Likewise, every man should do what he can to improve building methods in Southern California, to eliminate the use of poor mqterials, too light construction, etc. There has been a world of rotten building in Southern California, caused by grce4 avaricc, and crookedness. The lumberman can help eliminate this by Protesting when he comes in contact with it. Tell the prospective owner the truth about building materids, the sort and size to use, etc.
\lfe can all help to make prosperity substantial and lasting'