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California Building Takes Leap
Totals for August show huge gain over previous montt
Building statistics and f,gures coming from all over the state, with the totals of the permits taken during the month of August, almost without exception, show large gains over July and other monthsl and, analyzed, indicate the resumption of California's building on the scale maintained for so long.
This is good news, and verifies the predictions that this Golden State could not for long remain even a little inactive in her building program, and that the opening of the fall would see this boom again on its lvay.
In August the city of Los Angeles authorized building permits to the total valuation of $13,893,095.00. This large total, calling for 3835 separate buildings, included a very satisfactory number of homes and apartment houses, there 'being but three million dollars of the total that was for large steel structures. The 3835 permits taken were segregated, shorving that permits for 1359 du'ellings and apartment houses were authorized, making accommodations for nearly trvo thousand families.
The August total shorved an increase of nearly 20 per cent over July which, in turn, gained l0 per cent over the previous month, while June's showing rvas nearly 20 per cent better than May's.
During the first eight months of 1924, approximately $40,000,000 rvorth of residential construction was undertaken in Los Angeles, exclusive of apartment houses, which latter class represented investments totaling $14,950,473. Not quite 13,000 single and double houses have been completed or placed under construction since last Jan. 1, rvhile the number of families for n'hom homes have been provided in all classes rvas estimated to exceed 21,(m.
San Francisco Building Perxits Show Increase
Buildins pcrmits for thc montt of AEtu.t i! ttc cilt of Saq Francilco, rhor a toal of t9f pcnrit irrucd eouding to t+,ot0,9Eo.oo. Francd buildinSr eccormbd for ttc bigcrt nunbcr and invotvcd thc trcetart anouot of nocy for tte monttr just dorc4 rtco 396 pcrnitr rcre irrued arnouttilt to 12,127,131.O{t.
Comparcd with Augurg 1923, errd lolr, llli23, ttc record ie: Augurt, 1q21, tltl Building Pctlnitr. .....ft0,(X0,9t0.q, August, 1C23, 7t7 Bnilding Pcrnite. ..... 3'gfs"3mqt July, 1923, 776 BEilding Pcrnit 3,99t166@
The total pcrmitr for thc 6rrt cigbt monthr d 1924 er: eLo running far ahcad of legt ycer, -bich ;er 6co qddcrcd a banner year. So far fiot l|I21 brdldiDt pcruit hevc bcco grantcd amounting to 431277,11&6, il rgriut j?l,l7l,6q7.ql for tfie rinilal f923 pctriod" At thir ntc thc ycar'r r,ccord will rcach bcyond thc f50,flX),(XXl.dl mert
A bulletin from the National City Bank of New York, says, "America's building activity is being heard the world around. In the tin mines of Java and the Malayan peninsula, in the steel works of Britain, in the mahogany forests of Africa, Central America and the Philippines, in the brickyards of Germany and England, in the carpet works of Turkey, Persia and China, in the glass factories of Belgium and in the lumber camps of the world the demand of the
(Continued on Page 17)