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od Hendrickson Elect President Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9
Rod Hendricftson
At the regular meeting of Ho^o^-Hoo Club No' 9, held "t-ihe Pala& Hotel on August 28, the following officers 'r*r. .t..i.a for the ensuinglear: Rod Hendrickson, Hendrickson I-umber Co., Presid-eirt; n. F. Hammatt, SecretaryM;;;s.a ;f the California Redwood Association, Vicep.*tia'."t; and John C. McCabe, Andrerv F' Mahonel Lu-be, Co., SeJretary-Treasurer. !!re Directors elected ;'b;;; - Fra"k Harris, - Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co'; i*"f. Tt.,',t'.., Trolver Lumber Co.; C' Stowell Smith, Caiif.r.t.ti" White and Sugar Pine -Association; Th-eodore i,"t"t-t. Albion Lumber Co.; and J. E. Higgins, Higgins Hardu'ood Co.
Rod l{endrickson, the new President, is one of the popttlai wholetale lumber dealers in the tsay District and is an actir-e and euthttsiastic lvorker for Hoo-Hoo' He has an extremely large acquaintancelhip amotlg'the lumber trade of Califoinia ind the Pacific Coast. Rod is a real live wire at the Bay District Concatenations and rvhen he is-holding dorvn his'favorite berth as Junior Hoo-floo, the Cats are assured of lots of. "zip alg PeP." The .Bay District HoojHoo Club members should feel complimented that
R-4. Hlg,s quarters in San Francisco. R. A. Hiscox. Ex-Snark of the try and one of the most active worl retiring President. J. Walter Kel President. John C. McCabe, who e presiding officer can look forward they have selected such an able and for the next Year and the Club mt to many interesting and instructi' term of office. Rod is president of : meetings during his he Hendrickson Lum- ber Co.. the rvell known rvell known to all Hoo-Hoo membe is the retiring Vice. s acted so efficiently as the Club Secretary-Treasurer the organization of the Club, u'as unanimously for the coming year.
$300,000 rs Loss rN Centralia, Wash., Aug. 29.-The pany mill and plant at Rochester, rvest of here, rvas destroyed by The loss is estimated at $300,0m, ance.
Grader Without
Bdwy. ()&{3 ZllKcrchofi concern, with hcadverse, and who is so througtout the coun's in the Order, is the FIRE & I\f. Lumber Comash., 15 miles northearly this morning. ly covered by insur-
R. A. Stevenson a California Visitor
R. A. Stevenson, sales manager of the Eagle Lumber Co., Portland, rvas a recent California visitor. He spent a few days in San Francisco, rvhere he attended the quar_ terly meeting of the Douglas Fir Export and Exploitation Co. Accompanied by G. R. Bleecker, they spent ,a few days at Sacramento, where they called on the trade in the Sacramento Valley. Mr. Stevenson says that the lumber market in the Northrvest is strong and that a large volume of business is coming into that section from the East. Mrs. Stevenson accompanied him on the trip.
One of Portland's Best
One of the outstanding figures in lumber circles up in the Portland District, is t[e cigar smoking gentlehan rvhose picture is just above. Mr. T. y. S. Billantvne. hailed as "Tom" by thousands of men up and down-the Pacifi_c Coast, is the General Manager of lhe Dollar portland Lumber Company, of Portland, and is also General Manager of the Robert Dollar Mill at Dollarton, B. C. Two man sized jobs, and he fills them with credit.

Whlie this is not a biography, this man's history for the past few years is of interest.
While he is of Scottish ancestry, he u,as born in Charleston, South Carolina and came to the Coast about 25 years ago. He wa-s first bookeeper for the Shevlin Carpinter Company at Minneapolis, and after that came to the toast, locating_,ih_the state of Washington where he was.employed by the Tidewater Lumber Company at Tacoma und tlren later at the Alder Lumber Company, and for some y€ars he man-ageil inland mills in Oregbn ind Washington, after which he re-built and managed-the Tidewater Miil Company,, Tacoma.
At the end of five years he accepted the position of manager of the Robert Dollar Mill ai Dollarton and after two years took over the management also of the Dollar Portland I-umber Companv.
He is 45 years old, is sometimes referred to as ,,The Epirit of Eternal Youth" on account of his vivacitv. initiative and enthusiasm. This, in spite of the fact that he is one of the few remaining lumljermen rvho do not play golf. He is an ardent fisherman.
1\[r. T. L. Ely, n-ranager of the San Pedro Lumber Companl.,. I-os Angeles, has left for a months vacation trip, go- ing East, wh,ere he will visit most of the large citiei.. "

(Continued from Page 12) th. _..tCh_t months period, the Los Angeles permits call Ior 12,54O dwellings and 640 apartment [ouses-, or accommodations for in excess of twenty-one thousand families.
San Francisco permits sholv a substantial increase in August, over July, the city of Stockton issued nearly half a million for the month, San Diego went to $1,617,316.00 and Pasadena built $1,306,000.00.
Seven cities in the southern part of the state topped the half million mark, including those mentioned above.
. For- the fi.rst eight months this year, Los Angeles has issued permits for the large total of $104,321,615.00. This is but seventeen million dollars less than for the entire year of L922 which was the banner year until 1923 when the total reached a little better than two hundred million.
Show and Nelson Consolidated
An interesting announcement has just been made, of the consolidation of the business of A. T. Shor,v and'A. O. Nelson, Los Angeles.
The new company will be known as Show and Nelson, and thqy u'ill occupy the offices where Mr. A. T. Show has been doing a w'holesale lumber business for a number of years, at 1110 Central Building.
Mr. Show and Mr. Nelson are both well known amons the trade in Southern California,. Mr. Shorv has been ii the lumber game in California since 1910, and Mr. Nelson for nearly the same amount of time.
- They will handle a complete line of any kind of lumber that is manufactured on fhe Pacific Coast, and will give particular attention to the products of the Wesfern Lumber Manufacturing Compiny of Tacoma. This is a ner.v mill, making a high -g-rade o_f fir finish and mouldings, and also flooring and ceiling. Shorv and Nelson will le exclusive representatives in Southern California for them.
Wants Sash And Door Manager
One of the large retail lumber concerns in Southern California is looking for a man who can take complete charge of retail sash and door department. Man capable of building up this end of tlie business and keeping it on a- profi-table basis. This offers a splendid op--portunit_y, the sal.qry will be satisfactory, ind we will consider all replies strictly confidential. Answer immediately to Box l3-F, care California Lumber Merchant.