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Roy Toombs, Well-Known Texas Sash and Door Manufacturer, Passes AwaY
Roy A. Toombs, 47 years old, p-resident of the R. A' Toombs Sash & Door Company. of Fort Worth, Texas, and one of the rvidest knortn sash- and door men in the southu,est died in the Baptist hospital in Fort Worth, August 24. Death came after -a three- days illness and was caused directly by septic poisoning although at the time of his death he was- sufiirins a -great deal from an attack of pneumonia in the righi lung. Funeral services were held in Fort Worth August 26, iollorved by burial in the same city.
Mr. Toombs rvas born in I\Iississippi. Leaving his home early in life he went to reside irr Springfield,- MissouriAbout 22 years ago he became connected -w!!h John AGauger & Company, a millwork compaly of Chicago,- and from- then on his ileath he has at all times been actively interested in the manufacture and sale of sash and doors. He rvas connected with the Gauger company until aborrt l0 years ago rvhen he accepted a posiliol with the Weed LumLer Coftpany, Weed Calif. In l9l7 in company with his brother, Ro6ert L. Toombs, Sr., present secretary, of the company, he organized the R. A. Toombs Sash & Door Company. It was a small concern at this time,- but the popuiariiy of the organizers of the brr.siness soon began to ieli and in a short time the growth of the concern was almost unbelievable. Today it has grown to be an organization rvith a capital stock -of $350,0m.m with three branch houses and a door factory at Hoquiam, 'Washington, with a daily capacity of about 1200 doors, aside from the Fort Worth house. It is one of the largest, if not the largest exclusive jobbing house of sash and doors in the sil'thwest. The death of Mr. Toombs was very sudden. He became ill August 2lst. Death came August 24th. The spre-ad of the polson in his system was at iuch a terrific rate that it appeared as if mechanical aid could not stop it. --Complica- ti,ons included pneumonia in the right lung. While of a more or less strong constitution, having never experienced any serious illness, the poison was more than could be offset.
Mr. Toombs rvas an officer in the Texas Hoo-Ffoo, a member of the Texas Lumbermen's Association, a Shriner and a 32d Degree Mason. He was also a member of the Rivercrest Country Club, and the Fort Worth Club, both of his home citv.
Wilmington Yard Closes
The Johnson Lumber Company,. a retail yard at -Wil- mington, started about four months ago, has closed out all of its stock, and has gone out of business.
Kahma, Wash. Branil Shbwles 5/2" 'or 6/2' PERFECTS (lOO% Clcn, IAO% V.G. n Sq) Creen or K, D. ako +A| ad deas.
VEIL" CLEARS sott olit Grovth Yellov Fir Finieh, Floorin3, Ccilin3 ud Sidi'l b StrrfLt or Mirod C,ln