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Distinctive beauty marks the roof of this Indiariapolis home
A roof with a wholly unique thatched elfect of weathered biown idds the 6nal touch ofbeauty to the country home of Harry Sharp, Esq., Brendenwood, In' dianapolis.
Especially suited to this etyleof a roof is the weathered brown color used here. Its mellow tones Buggest the coloring of autumn 6elds, and add a great deal to the effectiveness of the thatched ag pearance of the roof.
This unusual roof was secured bY trimmine Richardson SuperGiant slat€' surfacedshinglee into diferent shaPes and sizes; anil by using them for the ridges and valleys as well as on flat surfaces.
The distinctive color of thls roofweatherdbronrn-is found only in the Richardson quaries of Georgia.
The R;ir;lrrltilloln Mltricmnrc Roof
Thie,however, 1.6,t3 6119 spmple of tbe beauty secured in the Richardson Multicrome Roof. Wholly new, for instance, is the opal etect e' cured from ehingles on which weathcred brown andjade green elate flahes are combined in eodleeE .varilty. And a bronze mosaic efect is cioilarly formed with weathered brown and tile red. Many other blends are posciblc-one to pleare anery taEte.
The Multicromc Roof is built of Richardson
SupetCiant Shingler, crtra large. extra hcavyto give grcatcr bcauty, longer cndunncc. Tbe high quality of its inner materials, too, aslurcs laeting bcauty for thic rof. Ite base is eturdy Richardm felt, for 6fty years recognized ar thc best. And the waterproo6ng ir Vislalt-un. usually dunble brrau* 9.8/q pure Littrct, especially vecuun,gwesced.
The Nchardron Multicrmc Rof repreanu the marimum roof valuc at a oodcratc price. It is econooical to lay and equdly good fc ocw or ovcr.thcold,rmf jobc.
sc[ing [.h
Advertimanta lile thic appcaring cteadily in the Litcnry Digcst, Hourc and Gardan, Houc Bcautiful and also in the nationel magarincr of contractcs, architccB and buildcrs, are crcating an activc dcoaod for Richardm Roofng in yorr locality. And the Richardsm Resale Plan is making profts for thousan& of Richerdoo dealers by giving theo tte dircct bcocfts ofthir advcrtising. Write fc &tails of thia plan fr your territory,
Wriufot oy,r. rrr,ntboollr'
We rrill ecnd you our new boklet, Rrcfs of DisDirEdrn, tog4her with canplcsof Rich.rdfrt Supec6ient Shingles in opel, weathctcd brovm and other colors.
7r. ruCrfrfnOSON COMPAItff
Lochland (Ctocinnati) Ohio
Chlcrgo Ncw Yorlc Ctty (108 FisL Buildrns) Ncs Orlcru Athntr D.lh.
Tblnaj r|r"t Sf.t. E +, EurdrrnJ. :nF.Dra.Ar&-harfrlrfc}-JolaCroArrraC.-GtaJ Cmm tidaln }|r&t wxafqrretbn blD. Radrdd56r
Ncn&drcrlmccoAc lcr rfr: lctl fbtcs of Ridfdrr l* btgtx,l.oDanddrV*rtilo ct/itdtl tutbtptat ffi
Tfu t&o argrll rLi.tu s, *]b ql et bndwcatwtd&*.
,@da rrodr V*aescd brr -.@Btrldsaifchgrdt
Prdic Coot Rcprcatrtirc E dLSnfA fZZS W. Sth St, l-or Aqdr+ Gdif.
A. K. Goodmundson, Oaktend, Calif.; Schirm Commerciat Co., Sen Diego, Cal.: Eckblad Hdwe. Co., Marshfcld, Oregon; McCraken-Riplcy Qp. Porttand-, Oregon; Lake Union Dock Company, Sealtle, Wash.; F. .T. Crowe & Co.. Seattle, Wash.; F. T. Crowe & Co., Tacoma, Wash.; SPokane PaPer & Stat. Co., Spokane, Wash.