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Dick Hammatt is Convinced
In the September First issue of "The California Lumber Merchant,"_R. F. (Dick) Hammatt, that hustling efficient Secretary-Manager of the California Redrvood Association, expressed considerable doubt and skepticism on the pull- ing power and the result getting of an advertisement in that particular publication.
Dick had this to say in his full page advertisement, announcing to the dealers of the state that the California Redwood Association had had prepared a large number of v_ery- beautiful and practical four color job posters, that the dealers could secure, at a nominal cosl, rvilh their firm name imprinted. He said, in the advertisement. .,Iack Dionne says, 'Retail lumber dealers read the adveriisements in the Lumber Merchant.' He also says, ,This JOB SIGN-in four striking colors on heavy water-probfed Duckine, 22x38 inches in size in a d-n good deaier pro- position.' The answers we get from thiJ announcement will prove whether or not Jaik is right, on both counts.',
NOW-on the morning of September llth, a very fe.r,v hours before this issue *as on th,e press, along comes a letter from Dick expressing his complete surrJnder, and incidentally, his appreciation of the results that rvere obtained from the announcem.ent.
..Ite is- repeating the advertisement in this issue, with a slrght change, and is showing a list of tlventy-one dealers that have- already ordered quantiti.es of theje signs, and he says that more orders are coming in each day. Here is his letter: