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A3olcy: Bav City Lumber Co., A. J. Wclt Lrnbcr Co. Abcrdccn, Grryl Herbor, Wubington
S. E. SLADE LUMBER CO. 260 CdiforDb St., gZZ L N. Van Nuyr Bldg., Sen Frucirco Lor Argd;
Jack Dionne, California Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles.
Dear Jack:
Never again u'ill I doubt your judgment on (matter per- taining to golf excepted), oi the faci that retail dealers in California read the advertisements in your Lumber Merchant.
The Redwood Association's advertisement ofiering to dealers a 4 color water-proofed JOB SIGN, 22x38 inches in sr.ze, came_out in your Sept. lst issue. Up to the evening of September l0th rve h1d r,eceived ordirs from thirti dealers for a total of 2,100 of these signs.
Nuff said, except for two things-VlZ-
1. You can collect your old bit the first time you come to San Francisco if you can catch me there.
2. If you raise your advertising rate as a result of this boost-true tho' itis-I'm off vou for life.
Yours for the Lumber Meichant, R. F. HAMMATT, The california Redwo.fTJ;;xff;..
New Kiln Equipment
Lamm Lumber Co., Modoc Point, Oregon, are installing a new Dry Kiln. The Kiln rvill be rrsedlor dryine West"ern Pine, and is of Charge Typ.. The equipment Ts being furnished by the Moore-Dry Kiln Compiny, North port"land, Oregon.
"Everlastingt' Hardwood Flooring is manufactured under ideal conditions by Een who understand fine woodworking. ft is scientificdly kiln-dri.4 tongued and gf,ooved with split-hair precision, and shipped in wire-bound, easily handled bundles.