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Under Name of "Pondosa Pine"
"Pondosa Pine" is the name under rvhich the Western Pine Manufacturers Association, headquarters at Portland, Oregon, will advertise their pine product. They rvill cease to difierentiate betrveen the different species of pine produced in the various states and territories covered by their members in the Northrvest and Inland Empire, and advertise it as simply "Pendosa Pine," and they are enthusiastic about selling that trade name to the public.
Walter Rosenberry of the Winton Lumber Company, Gibbs, Idaho, is President of the Association, and A. W. Cooper of Portland, is Secretary. The Advertising Committee that selected the name and will direct the campaign is W. C. Geddes, Chairman, Craig Mountain Lumber Co., Winchester, Idaho; R. E. Irwin, Potlatch Lumber Co., Potlach, Idaho; J. P. Hennessy, Shevlin-Hixon Co., Bend, Oregon.
Abcrdccn Lrnbcr & 3lhlilc Qo- Aberdeen' Wrth' lmcrlean 1lllll Co' Aberaleen, Wash' ii;";;;- io-tlr'& lhlntrtc Co.r Eoqulam, wa!h' Prorrer Dtlll Co.' Prosper' Ore.Raynond Lunbcr Co.. Raymond' waan' b-.l.u-itli noi b rumtcr c;., south Bend.' wash. rrnttert ulll co.' Aberdeen, Waah' i-*f"-ttttllJ a Tlimber Oe., South Bend. wPth' illi.-r,iilJ slislc co., south Bend' T9ssh'
Distributing .Agentr for ClarL-Nickerron Lumbcr Co, Evcrctt, {f,/erh. Dempeey Lumber Coo Tacome, Wuh.
Defiance Lumbcr Co, Tacoma, \Marh.
Ferry Bakcr Lumber Coo Evcrct! 'Warh. Little Rivcr Redwood Coo Humboldt Bey.