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tst r' L Ir with
the Long-Bell trade-marh
1 tr TITH the recent opening of the l,/ lr/ new Long-Bell lumber manu__: -t facturing plants at Longview, Washington, Douglas Fir lumbei and timbers have been added to the list of I-.ong-Bell trade-marked lumber products.
With its modern dock facilities on the Columbia River, and served bv three transcontinental railroadsthl Northern Pacific, the Union Pacific and Great Northern, the Long-Bell plants at Longview are adequately equipped to make prompt shipments to any point.
For years, and still, the largest manufacturer of Southern Pine, The Long- Bell Lumber Company is putting be- hind this new product the experience of nearly 50 years as lumbermtn.
Douglas Fir lumber and timbers bearing the trade-mark, "Long-Bell," are safeguarded in manufacture to rneet that important requirernent so long a standard in Long-Bsll produc- lien-paaip um buildkg value.
Lumber dealers will 6nd the same uniform dependability in Long-Bell trade-marked Douglas Fir, that they find in other Long-Bell lumbet ptoducts. t-"-"-"-"-
I Douglar Fir Lumber and Timbere: Southern i lPine Luber and Timberr; Crecotcd Lum- I i ber, Timbera, Poetr, Polcr. Tics. Guard-Rail i I Po!t!, Piling; Southern Hardrl'ood Lum- ! : ber ud Timbert; Califomia White pine i I Lumbe.r S.t}o#id Dooro; Oak I