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Larrick Approves of Our Merchandising Editorials
Solona Beach, Cal. August 18,1924.
Mr. Jack Dionne, California Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles, Cal.
Dear Jack:
Your latest copy of the "California Lumberman's PEP TONIC" just received and READ (from cover to cover as usual.) It rvas unusually enjoyable as it rvas virtually a "Jack's own issue"-every article init except one being from your pen.
Your article on Pag€ 53, "And it's just the same old Story" ought to have been set up in double point caPs, or whatever name you printers have for heavy type- You overlooked a bet rvhen you didn't editorialize this article'
ttlf ltts Bradleyts ltts Bettertt
Did you ever read Roosevelt's parting advice to the Rough Riders ? He said, "Ged action ; do things; be sane; don't fritter a!\'ay your time; create; act; take a place where you are and be somebody; get action, but don't get gay'" How about this advice for Mr. PIP?
Incidentally, change the name of this subscription from Solona Beach Lumber Company to The Lumber and Btrilders Supply Company, Solona Beach STORE, Solona Beach, California. And also I rvish to advise you that The Lumber & Builders Supply Co., has purchased the business of M. ,M. Kellogg, operated under the name of the Encinitas Lumber Yard, and have consolidated its stock rvith their stock at the Encinitas STORE.
With all best rvishes, I\{ost CordiallY Yours,
H. G. Larrick-
P. S.-sometime Jack, rvhen you feel EXTRA good, take a rvhack at tr'Ir. Pip, who, seeing his business slip because of his old time methods, gets peevish and tries to regain by starting to FIGHT. Of course, he heads straight for the grave rvhen he does this but he spills a lot of good profits on the rvay. Also, you might soliloquize on the hoggish type rvho's never satisfied until he is in the condition of tire pelican, "who's bill rvill hold more than his belly cah," and lvho consequently spoils the feeding for all the rest'
Cappy Slade Challenges The State
At the last Hoo Hoo luncheon at Los Angeles, the Snqrk read a telegram from F. M. (9"ppy) Slade, from San nr"tt.;..o, Jfiering to put himself up as a c-hlllenger of.all S"" pr"niitco luribermen, for the sectional Championship of California.
Cappv oarticularly aimed his challenge at Bob I\IcCull"ueli,'i,f in. McCuilough-Fagan Lumber Company, w'ho, it i3 ot d.t.tood, ranks 6igh among the lumbermen golfers in the Northern citY.