3 minute read
Texas is Biggest Consumer of California Pine Doors
It may surprise many California lumbermen to knorv that the biggest consumer of California pine doors is not Cali_ fornia herself, but TEXAS.
In 1923 Texas consumed 179,241 white pine doors.
California consumed 165,556 that vear. Ohio rvas the next biggest customer 145,398.
Then came New York with 101,1g3. Missouri took 96,184.
Los Angeles District Lumbermen's Club Meet
A,special meeting of the Los Angeles District Lumber_ men s Llub \\'as called .by Secretary_l\Ianager E. D. Ten_ I'jrnt, at Paulais, Los Angele. on ihe .rreiirrg oi August 28th.
pine and sugar r'vith a total of
Oklahoma bought 9L,323, being, population considered, the biggest buyer of California doors per capita,
_ To serve the cities of Manhattan, Redondo and P:,1.h, the Tri-City. Lumber Co-p"ny-f,a. j,rrt trc.les. of incorporation giving Hermosa Beach prrnclpal place of buslness.
Hermosa filed aras their
The new lumber co_mpany is capitalized at $25,000 and is made u.p_of George V.- Leirned,'George O. L.u.;.a ;; r.qward I ownsend.
._lP:_rJ thirty oj- th9 members attended the meeting, pleslgeg over by. Mr. Tennant, r,vho first gave them som"e I:ly.r,ntere.sting.information on the actionl of the market, ancl then introduced Mr. H_erb Stone, Secretary of the Euilding. Material Dealers Credit Association, ior- A"_ geles, who made an a-ddry_ss _clealing *itti the t "pose; amendment to abolish the Nlechanics"Lien Law. ('Excerpts of Mr. Stone's talk rvill be found elsewher.e;" tni!;.r""5." Besides Mr. Stone, there rvere a number "a "th.;;;;(;" at the meeting.
California Lumber Merchant, Fay Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.
__W9 wish to congratulate the California Lumber Merchant also thank them for the manner in which they have handled our advertising in their puU- lications.
Yours very truly, J*-MM PRATTB&
Pioneer ComPanY in New Offices
The removal of the general offices of the Pioneer Paper Companl', Inc., Los Angeles to the nerv $100,000 administration building at Fifty'Fifth and Alameda streets' from 247 South Los Angeles str€et, rvhere the company has been locatecl for the past trvelve years' is announced by William Henry, vice president and general manager of the concern.
The Pioneer Paper Company, organized by Willis G' Hunt in 1888, is one of the largest manufacturers of roofing and building paPers in the rvest' Additions to the plant' completed sen'eral months ago, bring the total investment at the plant site to approximately $2,000,000 in property' machinery and buildings, according to Mr' Henry' The additions include a felt mill, and nerv units to the roofing factory and the refinery. The administration building will house the executive, sales ancl production departments of the comPanY.
Offices are Willis G. berger, secretarY and president and general
Hunt, president, HenrY I\{. Eicheltreasurer. and William HenrY, vice manager.
F;;"k Burnaby, of the Sun Lumber Co', Beverly Hills'

S;' Francisco visitor rvhere. he-spenl-a ferv davs visiting his lumbermen friends in the Bay.l)tstrlct prior to histeparture for the Northrvest' 'hrank ls a golt 'enthusiast and^*,as telling some of his friends that he rvas olavins a good game and had made some nlce scores on
Cilifornia courses this summer' He rvas accompanied by his son on his trip'
Good Cheer Frou The Conners
Septem ber, 4, 1924I\Ir. Iack Dionne, Publisher, The California Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles, Calif.
f)ear I\f r. Dionne:
Yes, rve have no lumber yard, but lre are in the best of health, have had a -wonderful trip over the tops of high mountains,- through- rvonderful forests, "rrd hat. sien -ote lumber standing up' lying down, being sarvn, and floating in log ponds than we ever dreamed of in our philosoPhY.
- iour-optimistic spirit ii ibrqad in- Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, attd Vi.totia. Every lumberman we met wore a smiie, and seemed to feel that the lean a".". .".i" rapidly joining the past, and that 1925 rvould be a busy,- pio.pet6o. yeir for all concefired' Tust before t*le 3tarted on the I'ong trip north-we mit Mt. I{artin in San Francisco, and expres:ed t9 him our appreciation of the anniversary number ot the Califoinia Lumber Merchant. I hope he conveved the message to you, for it rvas a splendid numbei in every detiil<ire of rvhich California lumbermen may #ell feel proud. 'We can't rvish you "m9te Dower."'vou have inough already; but rve do wish iou the health, and eneigy to "keep it up'" ' \Vith our kindest regards to Mrs. Dionne and your charming daughters, and best wishes. for your continued siccesJand happiness we remain
Yours verY trulY
The Conners (Fred and Adeline)