2 minute read
TA @ For Ycrd Stock!
fZ ARD stock of the very highest qudity is manufacI tnt.d by Tacoma mills from the fine Veit C,a* woods found in tremendous stands in the Tacoma District.
But, you want more than good yard stock; Iou want quick senrice and dependable supply. Tacoma offera you both with unusual assurance. Tacoma and Tacoma District lx)ssess a rare combination of facilities<xcellent timber close at hand, great millg with the last word in equipment and shipping arangcmcnts for either rail or water that have no superior on the Coast.
Get acquainted wiht Tacoma NOW. Taconr Suarantce! you ratirfactory and uninternrptcd rcrvicc for a gcncration' Write today for a free copy of thc Tacoma Dircctory of lum' ber manufacturcra and dcrcription of Tacoma and Tacoma District.
To have your inquiria rcach aII of- tk lumba manuiacturing-hilustty of Tocoma and Tacoma Dfutrict' Write
Several Well Known Oklahoma Lumbermen Seen in California
Kennet H u dson, head of the Hudson-Houston Lumber Company, of Ardmore, Oklahoma, has been a Ca lifornia vis itor for the past two month s, and has just returned to Ok lahoma. He drove to Ca l iforn ia and back, having his entire family wit h him, and touring the State thro u gh the summer. H is firm owns and operates a line of retail l umber yards i n Oklahoma, and likewise operates a who l esa l e and jobbing b u siness in building materia ls
S M. G loyd, of Ok l ahoma City, one of the richest and best known l u mbermen in Ok l ahoma, has been spending the summer in Los Angeles.
0. K. Sp u rrier, of the Sp u rrier Lumber Company, Oklah oma Cit y, has ret u rned home after visiting his fat h er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Spurrier, in Pasadena. The elder Sp u rriers h ave r ecent l y moved to Pasadena for good, a n d are locate d at 555 Rose Aven u e The Spurriers are amo n g t h e best known of t h e Oklahoma l u mber fratern ity, and the son is now in charge of t h e bus in ess.
Rossly n Bros., a Wilmington retail lumber company, have made numero u s en largements and addition s to their p l ant, increasi n g the i r capacity considerably.
By the addition of more land, immediate ly adjoining t h eir original plant, and the bui l ding of additiona l sheds, t hi s company ha s a Yery attractive establishment, at the port city.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturers of California White and Sugar Pine Lumber Mills at Susanville and Hilt, Cal.
150,000,000 Feet Annual Capacity
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr . Sales Dept. First National Bank Bldg . San Francisco