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Lum her Merchant Indorses Shingle Editorial
Palo Alto, Calif.
Aug 18. 1924.
Mr. Jack Dionne, Ca lifornia Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles, Calif.
Dear Jack:-
In your magazine of Aug 15th "Stop making Six to Two's" you hit the nai l on the head.
As a bui lder and dea l er I want to say "Amen". T h e s hingle industry is doomed if the grade and q u ality is not improved. Composition, tile and asbestos roof manufacturers are getting w ise and know what the present demand is for, and it is up to the man who make s shing les to give them something better. I am for a s hingle roof every time possib l e, but on h igh c lass construction they must have shingl es better than we u sua ll y get now The on ly way to e li minate the cheap, thin shingle is to do as your article s u ggests and stop its manufacture.
Enjoy yo u r fine magaz i ne very much._ S i ncere ly,
(Signed Henry A . Hoyt)
Pa lo A lto , Calif.
Hillyer Deutsch Edwards Install Kilns
Oakdale, La , August 28th, 1924.-llillyer Deutsch Edwards, Inc., of this city, has j u st completed its first run of two hundred thousand feet of FAS gum through it s new battery of National dry k il ns at it s Gl enmora plant.
The new k ilns are modern i n every way, eq u ipped with the rheostat moisture control system, and are proving very successful in producing nice, bright, high-grade lumber.
The first ru-n of kiln dr ied sap gum was produced for a man u facturer of interior finish, and Hillyer Deut sc h Edwards report a very s teadily growing trade for this purpose.
Jack Cavanagh, the well known Petaluma lumberman. took his place among the prominent lumbermen go lfers of the state on August 18 when he won the golf tournament held at the Petaluma Golf and Co u ntry Club. Jack was in good form and played a snappy game winning the sweepsta kes with a gross score of 86 and a handicap of 20