2 minute read
President's Address
11. 11'. Ca{'/j{'n, /Jefor{' I'r{'sident, Jfil/work l11stit11tc of California. the Third Quarterly J[('{'t/.ng, at
Santa Crn::;, .tl.11g11st 22nd.
S We are opening the Third Quarbe s t rly Meeting of the Millwork Inth e , itute of California, and I want to 0 y that it is very gratifying to see h o rn uch an attendance and especially o see the new delegates here for m o t he first time, and to those I extend elde he greetings of the Institute. and Our two previous meetings were am o :levoted largely to the organization and md feeling the pulse of the mill1Vork industry, to its requirements, md the launching of general inauwork.
R • Subjects of great interest to mill I Jperators and of great influence on ia v· h . d d d d 1 e m ustry were mtro uce an p discussed, and this brought us at the ' the last meeting to a real starting th i point from which to commence the µ o work of ridding the business of its faults and making way for the adoption of better and more efficient J.ethods of manufacture and mareting of our products.
We are fortunate in being armed with the spmt of co-operation and unity of effort, which is shown by the full quota of attendance, and the influence is already being felt.
I trust that the meaning of co-operation in action and not in words will be brought home to us all.
It must be remembered that we are still very young and that the wheels have only started to move, but we are to be congratulated on the fact that we have gotten away to a flying start.
At the last session various committees were appointed. The work assigned to these committees is new and if their reports at this meeting show that anything concrete 'has been accomplished they are to be commended.
I want you to feel you are all part and parcel of the Institute and that I or any of the directors cannot put across the message we are aiming to put across without the individual putting his efforts together with ours. The Committees will report what they have in mind. Our Man- aging Director has a report cf the aims and object of the Institute. As I said before, it is up to you and I to help put those things across. Up to this time we have probably not accomplished what we would like to, but as I said before, Didesch came out here to our last meeting, and like anybody else going into a strange meeting or strange society was non-<:ommittal. He has had three months to look over the ground and I am satisfied in his report he has covered what we want to accomplish. With his assistance we are going to do something.
As the members speak, if they will announce who they are, the report will show who were taking part in the discussions, and we would like to get your names if possible. We want you to feel you are in the fight-give us your expressionsthey may differ from the viewpoints of other members, but out of the different ideas we are going to get material that is going to do us some good.