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illiam Sproule Addresses Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9

1largest Ho(.?-Hoo l uncheon of the year was held at ace Hotel, San Francisco, on Th u rsday, August 28, Villiam Sprou le, President of the So u thern Pacific was t he speaker of the day.

proule Ke on many subjects that are of vital · >er industry. In referring to Conserva')n of our timber resources, he stated 11e s s is one of the greatest industr i es that every effort possible should he supply of timber in t h e Pacific )Se who come after us can enjoy are enjoying. He stated that we ·er l ands so t h at our t i mber supply op the same as agriculture and ply, he s aid that when ge n eral ghout the co u ntry are good the )Vhen cars for moving lumber are ness is genera ll y q u iet. To more e thought t h e lumbermen s h ould ) the matter of moving their lum;s demand to d i stributive points, I arises the proper t ransportation at po ints of dist1·ib u tion rather in . He thought that it would be and carriers to get-tog.ether to int.

5 and short hau l " and rai l sh ipversus water shipments through ;aid t hat bot h these matters were rmen because if business d i d not 1ot be available for those whose business is in the interior of the country He states that rates should be so adjusted that water would get its normal business and the railroads get t h e b u siness that they are entit l ed to.

In speak ing of Serv ice, Mr Sproule stated t h at the great thing in is to give prompt service lo the s\lippers Good service, he said, costs money, and it is of great importance to l umber men that the proper service be mainta ined; reducing rates means reducing service that the railroads want to give. Every time that the rates are reduced, he stated that it took away large sums of money from t h e railroads which in t urn took away the b u ying of large q u antities of lumber for rai l road construction and maintenance . He informed the gathering that th e So u t hern Pac ific Lines uses 7000 cross-ties a work ing clay and were a l so the purchasers of large q u antit ies of l umber and timbers In clos i ng, he stated that the American standards wh ich are the best fo r all are costly, t h at good service is cost ly, a n d all the railroads ask for i s fair p l ay.

During t h e lu nc h eon, Frederick Kickbush, formerly of the Metropoli t an Grand Opera Company, accompan ied by Mrs Hilton, rendered severa l excellent yoca l numbers that were greatly en j oyed

G. W . Fraser, of the C h icago and Alton Rai l road, was the chairman of t h e clay and shou l d be high ly complimented for arranging suc h an excellent program.

Richard A Hiscox, president of the Club, presided over the business sess ion, and w ith t he ab l e assista n ce of P. C. McNeYin of the Pacific L u mber Co. and Jo h n P Mu ll er of J. R. Hanify & Co. w h o acted in t h e capacity of "Tom-

(Con t in u ed on Page 47 )

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