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3i*,i:t!si.la":.L11.Pcr Yeer Los ANcELEs, iAL., sEeTEMBER 15, lg25
How Lumber Looks
' The mid-month retail conditionr througlrout ttre rtate are not much changed from that of two weekr ago. Good volume ir rpotted here and there in difierent dirtrictr, and, ar a whole, one might ray that the volumc ir but fair and pricer not what they rhould be. Predictionr are free and rearonable roturding, that building ir borurd to increa,re etarting verlr r(x>n, end by thir it ir meant the Home building conrtnrction that callr for a larger percentage of lunber.
The millr have a decidedly difrerent attitude toward orderr, indicating full order bookr and pouible lower rtockc.
Random offerr arc not rnapped up ae they were a montt ago, nor et the pricee that then prevailed. Saturday moming, tte 12th, an order for one million feet of two-inch randomr was taken, in Los Angeler, for $22.0Q by one of the lrtg"r mills, to one of the larger rctailerr.
Word comer from Portland that the milb ARE loaded with burinesr, that ttey could go well in October without booking a ringle additiond order. Correrpondent stater that California ia buying in good volume and ttet the increale in tirtr ir being well takcn. "The demand ir conriderably ahead of the rupply, in fast the exceu of un.
placed burineu accumulated ir much heavier than many realize.tt '
Middle Wert volume is good and the Atlantic Coart dcmand has been good, orderr having been placed thet provide several of the millr with bruineer for the ne:rt rixty daya.
In t'he southern part of the state more ordcn are coming in from the outlying yardr, a car here md one there, and in the larger centers buying !eem! to be the order, for practically the enthe lirt.
San Francirco makea thie report: ttTbe market here rhowr very little change, the Fh cargo pricea erc about the ra,me with rhipments heavy. The market ir abrorbing rhipmentr with no price weakening. Hard to place mill orderr at pricee offered, lath and rhingle market ir strong end rail markA continues good. llfix€d car orderr hard to placc and ruch rhipmentr almort impooible. The Redwood market rhowc much improvement, shinglea are rtrong and dl pricet rtiffening. Cdifornia Pine rhowr much improvcrncnt with better demand for rhops and relcctt. Pine nilb arc running to capacigr."