2 minute read
California Door Company Operating Wonderful New Mill and Lumber Plant at
Diamond Springs, palif.
K. Moore, Mana$er
"I have seen most of the crack milling plants of the South and West," remarked M. J. Ragley of Jefferson, Tex., one of the best known mill men of the South, "and the most beautiful milling institution f ever went through is that of the California Door Company, at Diamond Springs, Calif." Some praise, because Mr. Ragley is an authority of wortl-r.
The California Door Company formerly operated their sawmill in their timber, and brought the stuff down for milling, drying, dressing, and re-manufacturing to their planing mill and box factory plant at Diamond Springs, in the valley. They lost their mill by fire, and decided to rebuild it at Diamond Springs, rather than in the timber, and do all their manufacturing at that point. While they were engaged in building their sawmill, their planing mill and box factory burned, so they rebuilt the entire inst tution brand new and up-to-date, and did a rvonderful job of it.
K. Moore, who came from Lake Charles, La., last winter to take charge of the manufacturing end of the business, and who is also a large stockholder in the California Door Company, had charge of the rebuilding, and is mighty proud of the new plant. The sawmill contains trvo bands, with every sort of supplementary machinery of the latest type, and driven by direct connected electric motors of great porver. The mill is unusually open, clean, ventilated ind quiet. The same way with the planer and box factory. Everything the most modern, and the plant so ar- ranged as to eliminate in the handling of the kilns is one of the new white and sugar pine, merrily. lost motion and promote efficiencY lumber. A huge battery of steam additions. They manufacture both and the new plant is humming
Sacramento.-I\lrs. J. B. Smith of Los Angeles, formerly IVIiss Geneva 'Watson of this city has again taken chafge of the Builders' Free Exhibit on 9th Street. The Exhibit was a success from its very inception, and has proved of practical l,vorth to the merchants and home builders of Sacramento. NIrs. Smith is planning many interesting and instructive innovations rvhich will add to the value of this fine enterprise.
Boosting Shingles
The Friend and Terry Lumber Company of Sacramento are campaigning in the interest of Better Roofs made of Better Shingles. Different grades and types of shingles are displayed in the beautiful offices of this progressive company, and through the medium of carefully prepared advertisements they are educating the building public in the use and appreciation of the roofs that last.
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