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The Famous Fir Frame Whitney






(Continued from Page 12) plans may suit best, etc.

"There are many other things. Does she do her own work-is she an efficient manager-then you must consider the step-taking idea in your plan. Remember that the variation of 8 feet in the arrangement of a kitchen may mean 25 miles walking in a year's time for the housekeeper.

"Don't you know that ideas or suggestions along these lines will appeal to her? You know they will. Try it nest time. You'll be surprised.

"If you want to sell a woman a home, you must know how to appeal to a woman. Remember, she won't buy cotton goods when her mind is set on silk. Too many houses are designed, built, and passed upon only by men, and to most men a home is only a place to eat and sleep in and go to work from.

Too much attention has been given the ideas of men, and too little attention given the ideas of women in home construction, and only in the last few years when the woman has been considered in the building of homes, have homes really become what they should have been long ago.

"For instance, you often hear home designers talk about the excellent HALL they have drawn into a plan. Now, in a home of modest size, a hall is just a place rvhere the men folks and children can leave hats, coats, rubbers, toys, golf sticks, umbrellas, and the rest-a room to be kept mussed up, in fact.

"A lot of wise women would let you keep the hall, and in exchange for it take some more well placed closets; light, airy, well equipped closets, where things can be placed and kept in place. No home ever had too many closets, but most homes have other things that could well be spared.

"She doesn't want a kitchen. Not in the ordinary sense of the word. She wants more than that. She rvants a convenient, efficient, well lighted, well ventilatedj stepsaving "culinary studio" rvhere she. can create meals like the artist that she is, without wearing herself out as some kitchens make her do.

"She wants a home that is comfort for herself and family, and attractfue to visitors. It doesn't cost much more to build a homi that strangers rvill turn to look at once.again, than it does to build the other kind. She knows that fact, and wise men know it, but a lot of men who design and build homes don't know it.

"Now, that's enough for today. Some other day I'm going to tell you some more about what we women think of your business. and what yotl can do for us. Goodby."

'Il\ il 'Irr. Lronng[as Fx.r

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