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John C. McCabe New President Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9
At the regular meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9, held at the Palace Hotel on Thursday, August 27, John C. McCabe was unanimously elected President for the ensuing year. The other of,ficers elected were Kenneth Smith, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Vice-President; J. E. Martin, "California Lumber Merchant," Secretary-Treasurer; R. A. Hiscox, Western States Lumber Co.; Charles Dodge, E. J. Dodge Co.; H. J. DeVries, R. S. Grant, California Door Co., and Harry White, White Brothers, directors.
Fred Roth was recommended for Vicegerent Snark of the Bay District and Rod Hendrickson u'ill be recommended for the Supreme Nine.
John C. McCabe, the neu'ly elected President of the San Francisco Club, is associated with the Andrerv Mahoney Lumber Co. For the past two years, he has acted as the Club's secretary and Treasurer. "Johnnie" is one of the most popular lumbermen in the Bay District, he has been very active in Hoo-Hoo affairs, and has done a lot of good work for the order. His selection as Club President for the next year is very popular with the tsay District Hoo-Hoo.

Fred Roth, who has been recommended for Vicegerent Snark of the Bay District. is associated r,vith J. H. McCal- lum. During the past year, he has acted as Bojum on the Bay District Nine. Rod Hendrickson, who has been recommended for the Supreme Nine, is one of San Francisco's well-known wholesale lumbermen. Rod has always taken a keen interest in the Bay District Hoo-Hoo affairs, and during the past year he was President of Hoo-Hoo Club No.9.
Device For Kiln Lumber
Operations of a device for unloading flat-piled kiln-dried lumber from the carriage mechanically, an invention of Matt Egan, superintendent of the Algoma Lumber Company, is being awaited with interest by mill operators of the Klamath Falls district.
Success of the experiment will mean a great saving in the handling of kiln-dried lumber, operators state.
The device, known as an unstacker, is intended for use in unloading lumber which is loaded flat for kiln-drying. Only the stickerman will be required and he can also attend to the operation of the unloader.
The machine. now under construction. consists of an electric hoist and a revolving overhead chain with lugs. The iction of the two is such that as each tier is stripped from the top of the load, the hoist automatically raises the load to the correct level for the next lug to take hold.
Veneer From Shasta Oak
The Red River Lumber Company has shipped two truikloads of oak, 5000 board feet, from the vicinity of Montgomery Creek to Westwood, where experiments will be made in the veneering plant to test the utility of the wood in veneering work. Therg is a great deal of oak on the company's land aroun'd Montgomery Creek, both rvhite oak and black oak. If it should work up as expected in veneering, the oak lumber, hitherto of little value. will become a considerable asset.
For ordinary construction, use Pioneer Duplex Building Paper-coated on one side with asphalt. Saves dollars i n protecting hardwood foors, stairways, tile, granite or marble, while builditrg.