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Glazed Building Paper IT'S WATERPROOF
There are fifty-seven varieties of uses-maybe morsfor Pioneer H. & H. Black Glazed Building Paper. In every roll there is thorough protection. It is heavily coated with asphalt and prepared by patented processthe water can't get through.
Used wherever the best waterproof sheathing is required-fo1 walls, under hardwood floors, to line packing and shipping cases, to cover machinery and other metal surfaces exposed to the weather.
Pioneer H. & H. Black Glazed Building Paper is r-nore than moist-proof; more than damp-proof. It's waterproof. Backed by thirty years of manufacturing experience and the reputation of Pioneer.
The President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Ass'n, C. W. Pinkerton, of Whittier, was in San Francisco during the last week in August, conferring with M. A. Harris, Vice-Presideht, and J. H. McCallum, Treasurer, of the Associatioin, on matters pertaining to the coming convention of the Association in November. More particularly is he taking up with various members of the asociation in the north the action of the U. S. Department of Commerce, through a committee of seven, in working out a Model State Lien Act; also the personnel of the Committee of seven, which does not appear to be very favorable to the building material interests, there being only one representative from any building m-aterial: orsanization oh the committee. That it would be well for iny building material organization to watch carefully the aclion of this committee, on this question. It is not believed that this committee will be able to arrive at a Model State Lien Act, that will be applicable to all states in the United States. since the state constitutions are so at variance with each other in many respects.

The State association, through its efforts at the last session of the State legislature, saved many of the good points of the present California Lien Act, and the incorporaiion into the acts the follotvir4l amendment pertaining to public works: from Avenue and are building Pasadena are their present a new office.
The Association Board of Directors held a meeting on Saturday, August 29th, at University Club, Santa Barbara.
State Association to Meet at Fresno
The next Annual Convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association will be held in Fresno on October 30 and 31.
Full details are being prepared by President Pinkerton and Secretary J. E.'Fraser, and will be announced in the very near future.
Endorse Grade Marking
Whole-hearted co-operation in establishing grade-marked Southern Pine lumber in the Chicago market has been pledged by the building interests of that city to the Southern Pine Association, according to H. C.. Berckes, Secretary-Mtnager of the Association. Not only are the builders morally supporting the movement, but they will speci- fy in all their construction work that such lumber as is required be grade-marked.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, is on a business trip to Southern California, which ririll carry him as far south as San Diego. He will be calling on the retail lumber trade in the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California territory. He will be in the South about a month.
Names Representative
The Metropolitan Redwood Company of San Francisco is nor,r' represented in Los Angeles by W. W. Wilkinson. Associated with Wilkinson is R. Reed, formerly with the Albion Lumber Co.