3 minute read
"speaking of 'D Select"'
Fair "THts cRADE is belowC Select daerdge in price and quality but is a fur gradet ayengegrade for the retail yard or planing mill. Let me quote from our book of grade rules, page 32:
"'Any of the defects admitted in the grade of 1 and 2 Clea4 sometimes known as B Select and Better, are permitted in this grade, but no combination of them so serious as to prevent the use of the piece for the'prrrpose intended.'
"'This grade of lumber belongs - (ln,si, betweenthehigherfinishinglumber 'rr-' and the Common grades and partakes somewhat of the nature of zn both. It is made up largety ofpieces that catry a finishid "i'p.ut"tic. on tbicknesses but one side only, the back of the and piece often carrying a mass of de- aidtbs fects. Other pieces have the defects ofthehighergrades offinish but of a more serious nature from a quality standpoint; other pieces have a G*d hrgh inuinsic value as compared to ,iciings the next lower common gtade, but { o not a high appearance as compared tothehigher finish grades. Another type often placed in this grade is a high line piece requiring a cut to eliminate a defect too serious to go into finish work
"'Medium stain over the entire face is admissable when not in combination with other serious defects.
"I advise you to read all the examples given on pages 33 and34.
"As with C Select, D Select may be had in any thickness from 414 up, and in specified or random *:idths. Like all California Pine stocks, lengths are good, running strong L6 foot.
"D Select is a money-maker for the retail yard or small planing mill. \Cith a litde sorting and re-manufacnrre, a lumber of much hrgher qualiry may be picked from it. In the t'h"irig -iU ii may be worked up with little waste into the best quality mill-work.
"'D Select can be used for all finishing pruposes, such as: trim, casing, base, porches, cornices, staifs, cabinets, etc."
West Coast Lumbermen Endorse Principte Of Grade Marking
At the monthly meeting of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association a resolution calling for the grade marking of lumber vi'as adopted, and members were urged to grade mark their lumber with the least possible delay.

President Kingsley spoke very strongly in favor of grade marking, saying that his firm would start grade marking just as soon as their mill began to operate again.
A. C. Dixon of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, Eugene, Oregon, submitted a design for a West Coast grade mark, and told the members that since the Southern-Pine Association adopted grade marking, more than seventy p-er- cent _of the Southern Pine mills are grade marking their lumber and spending large sums of money to promote the sale of the grade marked product. Amongst other remarks on the subject Mr. Dixon ,said, "The time is here for manufacturers to take the leadership, at least in grade marking their own lumber. If we do not do this others will grade mark our product. For example a California firm recently asked us to put their brand on our productr This practice will, I am sure, become general if rve do not take the matter into our own hands." -
1,260,000 Feet Turned Out Daily in Ryderwood Operations
I-ongview, Wash., September 10.-The Long-Bell Lumber company is norv operating nine sides and turning out 140,000 feet of ti.mber from each side, or a total of 1,260,000 feet daily, in its logging operations at Ryderwood. Two sides are run with skids rvith high lines running a di6tance of 22Clc feet.
The company has lvell-built logging railroads and a relief rvay on which is staked out the operations and all else necessary to indicate the stumpage and the amount of roadbed to be built. The Ryderwood operations are in the midst of more than 2,000,000,000 feet of some of the best standing timber in the country.
New Mill Operating
The modern, electrically driven sawmill of the Western Lumber company at West Fir, on the Eugene-Klamath Falls cutoff of the Southern Pacific railway, is producing lumber at the rate of 130,000 feet in eight hours. A larg- part of the mill's output is for use by the railway in constructing the cutoff. George H. Kelly of Portland is president of the Western Lumber company.
Plywood Men Meet At Everett This Month
The monthly meeting of the Pacific Coast Plywood Manufacturers' Association was held at Marshfield, Oregon, Augtrst.29, when market extension and advertising were again discussed. The next meeting of the association rvill be at Everett, Wash., September 26.
Those who give only superficial thought to direct advertising are apt to confuse its functions with "publicity" or "mail orders." Let us state some of the wavs this force is used to help your sales: lst-A direct advertising plan places before you the list of your prospects to whom you should be selling. sth-It reaches people other sales mediums never get to, but who influence buying. gth-It assures you of a prepared and carefully thought out sales'presentation. l0th-It gives a "personal" directness to advertising that you cannot get by publicity. l?th-It is the least expensive way of breaking down sales resistance.
2nd-It gives you data on which to estimate the percentage of your possible business you are doing.
3rd-It points out specific markets you may have been neglecting.
4th-It opens up markets that can be reached in no other way.
6th-It enables you to check up on the thoroughness of your sales efforts.
7th-It get interested "leads" for salesmen to follow up.
8th-It acts with a speed impossible to personal selling.
1lth-It is a "permanent" record. It is filed away-not forgotten.