2 minute read
"Why'Golden' State" ? Asks Austin Black
Austin Black is tlre name of thefast moving personality who handles the advertising chair For the California White & Sugar Plne Manufachlrerst Association, in San Francicco.
It is part of his iob to dig up thoughts and ideas of interest and usefulnesa conserning the lumber industry of C,alifornia, and he frequently lishts on a good one.
Here is one of his recent remarks, filled with good stuff, too, you'll notice:
"They call C,alifornia very frequently 'The Golden State' because of its great mining in-
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
The new President of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Clul>. W. B. Wickersham, was greeted enthusiastically by a good number of the fello'w's at'the meeting on September 3rd, when he was officially introduced by retiring President Phil Hart, and handed the gavel for the coming Hoo Hoo year. A large and hearty "Nine" was called for Wick'
He handled the meeting like a veteran, telling the feliows some of his plans for the year, then calling on a number of the other retiring officers and the newly elected ones, for three minute speeches.
Eddie Houghton, Ted Larvrence, Cliff Estes, Jimmie Chase, Berne Barker, Frank Connelly, Clint Laughlin and "Book" Bookstaver all responded, most of them devoting their time to constructive suggestions for the conduct of the Club.
Dave Woodhead reported for the Hoo Hoo Forestry Committee rvhich met recently, passing a number of resolutions, all of which 'ivere confirmed by vote of the Club.
The Committee went on record endorsing the one million dollar Federal appropriation program and passed a resolution to the Mayor and Council of Los Angeles, urging a program of tree planting.
Kiln and Air Dried Upperr
Crrcen dustry, and the gold rush that wrote hietory into the earlier part of the state's history. But they might with more iustice call it the 'Timber State,'for already the forests of California have brought twice as much gold to the people of California, as have the gold mines. And while the gold mining industry has long been on the wane, and no longer of first importance, tlhe lumber industry in California will be operating on at least as big a scale as it is today, one hundred ycars frorn now. Where do they get this gold stufi? Lumber is the best thing California ownr, next to its climata"
Joe Fifer Tries His Luck At Deer Hunting
- Joe Fifer, Albion Lumber Co., San Francisco, spent a few days recently hiking throtigh the hills and ihe great op€n_spaces of Sonoma County in the quest of deer.- Joe said. he had a very successful trip and biought home a big buck deer as the results of his efforts. Thire were abou-t ten in his party and he reports that they had a wonderful tlme.
NO. 9
- Jay W. Stevens, State Fire Marshall, was the speaker of the day at the regular luncheoh of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9. held at the Palace Hotel on August 27. Mr. Stevens gave a very instructive talk on Fire Prevention. President -Rod Hendrickson presided over the business session. rvhich included the annual election of officers. C. C. Stibich will act as Chairman of the Day at the September 1O meeting.
Chicag_o.-Predicting that the sky lines of the larger cities 9_f_ the United States will be a iiot of gorgeous- colors, 'lhomas O'Shaughnessy, renowned artistl aid creator of cathedral windows, holds ihat color is the prime requisite of haripiness in the large cities.
, "Within lye1ty years all the large buildings in the dorvntorvn districts of large cities willbe replacJd by neu. buildings, and- I predict tliat the nerv buildings will not be stifljd by drab colors," O'shaughnessy says.
"Beauty in color is as stimulating as music. We re_ spond to it as _rve do to music. Drab colors bring melan, choly and a disposition to unwholesome pleasurE-crime, if you like. Bright colors will lessen crime and vice.,'
Forest Lumber Company Building Mill
The Forest Lumber 99-p""y of Kansas City and Louis_ iana, a subsidiary of The. Exchange Sawmili S"i;-a;., rvill erect a new sawmill immediatily at Aspgrov., Or* qonl_on the property recently purchased by tire-- trlm i. B. Menefee Lumber Company, Portland, 61egon.