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Douglas FirThe aggtegate unfilled order file of the mills in the Douglas fir region of Oregon, Vashington and British Columbia reporting to the West Coast Lumberments Association increased. 1712671000 feet during the week ended Septembet 3. The total backlog of the industry is now 15.1 per cent of inventories, the highest ratio established since last January. This is due to a steady decrease in stocks, now 22.5 lter cent less than at the same time last year, and a sizable gain during the past two weeks in orders.

Orders reported by 216 identical mills for the cunent week werc 54.7 per cent over production and in greater volume than during any week since the first of February; for the previous week ordets received wete 43.4 per cent greater than cutting. Production increased but one million feet during the latest week to 2o.5 per cent of capacity.

The largest increase in new business during the past two weeks was in the export trade refecting a fair amount of Japa. nese buying.

Prices have firmed and some increases are reported in the rail, domestic water and export trades. Stocks at the mills are badly broken in assortment and, with cutting schedules very low, further price advances are anticipated.

Production, orders and shipments at these 216 mills for the week ended September 3 wete as follows: Production, 5Or8O7r575 feet; Orders, 78,974,489 feet; Shipments, 6Q853,7O5 Leet.

Details of otders and shipments as reported by these mills follow: Orders-Rail, 25r248r7t1 f.eet; Domestic Catgo, 28rOl7r285 feet; Export, 181113,988 feet; Local, 7,5941485 feet. Shipments-R ail, 22 ro8417 19 f.eet; Domestic Cargo, 20 1463 1287 feet; Export, l0,7ll,2l4

715941485 feet.

LJnsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro totaled 2r. 0371000 feet on September 10, the lowest on record. Cargo arrivals at San Pedro continue low and for the week ended September 10 amounted, to 5,44610OO feet, which included five cargoes of Fir. 47 vessels are operating in the California lum. ber service; 62 vessels are laid up.

Mill prices on Fir commons have made another advance and vertical grain fooring is strengthening. Shingle prices have been advancing rapidly; shingles are hard to buy and a shortage of cedar logs is reported. The California demand is reported light but the fall season is expected to show more activity.

Los Angeles building permits for the first eight days of September totaled $38or735, which is a considerable increase over the sarne period during the month of August.

Lumber orders during the week ended August 29 were not only the largest in volume reported for any week of L932 but showed a higher percentage over production of any week since Match, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of 635 leading hardwood and softwood mills. Orders received by these mills amounted to l62r2t6r000 feet or 46 pet cent Sbove production. Production was 110r841r(XX) feet, or about the same as during the past five weeks. Ship. ments amounted to 14116521000 feet, or 28 pet cent above t{re cut'

The Southern Pine Association for tfie week ended August 29 reported new business from 118 mills as 38r789r0(X) feet; shipments, 34r87tr000 feet; production, 22,252,000 feet. Or. ders were 74 pet cent above production and 11 per cent above shiprnents. Shipments were 57 per cent above production.

115 mills reporting to the Western Pine Association for the week reported new business as 37r0l9r000 feet; shipments, 35r. 343rO0O feet; production, 3219721000 feet. Orders were 12 per cent above production and 5 per cent above shipments. Shipments were 7 per cent above production.

179 hardwood mills gave new business for the same week as 11,736,000 feet, or 149 per cent above production, and shipments 1113381000 feet, or 140 per cent a6ove production. Production was 4,7l5rO(X) feet. **rf*

For the month of August, 1932, the California Redwood Association reported orders received by 11 mills as" 1211711000 feet, orders on hand l7r35O,OOO fegt, shipments 1111901000 fea, and,production 9.5901000 feet.

Detailed distribution of orders and shipments for the month follow: Orders-Northern California, 4r63010(X) feet; Southern California, 314181000 feet; Vestern, 6O1000 feetl Eastern, 3,118,000 feet; Foreign, 945,000 feet. Shipments-Northern California, 4,0111000 feet; Southern California, 2r338rOOO f.eet; Vestern, 601000 feet; Eastern, 312611000 feet; Foreign, 1.r520r000 feet.

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