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Memphis, Tenn.
Largcrt Manufacturerr of Arornatic Red Cedar Lumber in the World
tr t. I )pecrartzea Protection and Prof itablc I lnsurance
Our expert fire prevention engineers have made an ixhaustive study of lumber 6res and causes, and the full benefit of such investigations is given to policyholders to wipe out fire hazards, preserve property and prevent loss. If fires do occur. loss claims are fairly adjusted and promptly paid. Economical management and reduction of losses effect substantial savings which come back to policyholders in dividends. Up to January 1, 1932, owr companies had paid $75,35O,873.12 fot losses and had returned to the lumber industry a total of flr6,407,288.66 in dividends.
Ask any of our companies for full information about this specialized protection and this proftable insurance.
Ccrtrd ilulfrctrm Dluhrl lulmeCorput of Yu Wort. Ohio hdiu huboncu ihturl lmnlcc Compuy of luliupolir, hrl Thc Lubcr frurl Firc bsme Coupaly of Botoq DIr*
Itc hnbmo funl lmrucCoulut of llurficld, O[io l{ortf,vatcn tdrel hn Areirtior of Sqtrlc, WuL Pmrylvuia Lcubcnu fltnrl Fin hnrucc Co. of PLildclplir, Pr
"Red" Wood Scys; "Redwood Tanks Give Penn:rnent Satisfaction"
Beeuse Redwood is durable, 6rc resistant' hol& paint, has no odc or tste' it ig the ideal wood Ior stcage and fementatio tanks.
Many Redwood Tanks bave ben in mstut, daily sryie Iq over 5O years ud the* ame tuks are in active seryice today.
With a Redwood Tank therc ue no cetly repair-tbe first cct is ttre l*t cct.