2 minute read

Age not guaranteed-Some I have told f.or 2O years-Some less Stifl the Fullest Measure

A young Baptist minister in a small town had been making earnest efforts to increase the size of his congregation, but seemingly without airail, and he decided to secure some expert advice in selling his church membership to the apparently uninterested population of the town.

So he wrote a well known bureau of business advice, told them his troubles, and asked for suggestions. When they answered him the mail clerk got the letters mixed and the young preacher received a letter intended for a leather factory in the same territory, and he read as follows:

"In the last few months of the business depression our reports show that your competitors have cut down their operating costs by adopting a cheap method of finishing the final product, thus giving a much poorer finished article. We suggest that you continue using the original method and use this fact as an advertising subject. Use bill boards."

The next day the people of the small town stood with gaping mouths as they read on a huge new signboard on the busiest street in town the following statement:


East B.y Hoo Hoo Meet Attends Building Officials September 19 Confer ence Meetings

The September meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 will be held on Mondav evening, September 19, at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, at 6:09 p.m., with the new president, Earle Johnson, of Livermore, in the chair. Larue Woodson, entertainment committee chairman, promises a good program.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the Athens Club has agreed to provide just as good a dinner as they have done in the past for the moderate sum of 85 cents. This is a h per cent cut on the old figure.

Flbre lnsulating Board Standard Effective September 15

Harry H. Steidle of the division of trade, Department of Commerce, announces that sufficient signed acceptances of the recommended standard for insulation fibre board have been received from producers, distributors and users and the standard will become effective September 15. A copy of the printed commercial standard will be sent to each acceptor as soon as it becomes available.

A. C. Horner, manager of the western office of the National Lumber Manufactureis Association, returned to his San Francisco headquarters August 29 after attending a series of regional meetings of the Pacific Coast Building Ofificials Conference.

These two day meetings were held in Long Beach, August 15 and 16; Oakland, August 18 and 19, and Tacoma, August 2l and.22. The meetings, which were held instead of the annual convention scheduled to be held in Vancouver, B. C., were chiefly devoted to the annual revision of the Uniform Code in line with the experience of the building inspectors acquired during the past year.

Up to August 22 the Uniform Code had been adopted by 112 cities, and several other cities are actively planning early adoption of the code. ASS

C. H. Griffen, Jr., general manager of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, returned recently from a week's trip in the San Joaquin Valley, where he noted a better feeling among the dealers than on his previous trip.

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