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Blame Him For Thinking So
The food of NRA stories that come in the wake of the great their appearance, and there are around, but here is the champion, so far, and it comes to me from Berry Brazelton, of \Maco, Texas, well-known lumber dealer.
were certain as fate to Federal Act have made plenty of them floating boy, who naturally supposed his wages would be cut accordingly; "Ah caint hardly mek a livin' wukkin' 70 houahs a week."
"Don't worry, Mose," explained the boss man; "I'm not only going to work you just 40 hours a week, but I'm going to pay you $12 a week for it."
A local garage had a nigger boy washing cars. worked 70 hours a week, and got $5 a week.
When the NRA workers came around and explained what he had to do to get his Blue Eagle, the garage owner signed up. Then he called in his help to explain the new deal to them. To the car-washing boy he said:
"Mose, I can't work yos 70 hours a week any more. From now on you only work 40 hours a week."
"Please don' cut me down thataway, Boss," pleaded the
"Cap'n," said the puzzled, darkey; "How come you gwine pay me twelve dollahs a week fo' only fo'ty houahs wuk?"
"The NRA tells me I've got to do you that way," explained the boss.
The dark one scratched his head in wonderment as he studied this wonderful change that had come to him. Then he said:
"Cap'n, who done thunk up dishere Niggah Relief Association, anyhow?"
John V. Lewis to Give N RA Will Represent W. R. Chamberlin
Talk at East B.y Club Meeting & Co. in Southern California
John V. Lervis, Collector of Internal Revenue at San Francisco, will be the principal speaker at the postponed meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 to be held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Monday evening, September 18.
Mr. Lewis will speak instead of George Creel, National Director of the NRA who was to have addressed the meeting but will be unable to be present. He will discuss the processing taxes and the NRA. The club dire,ctors are putting in a lot of work in the effort to get a big ,crowd at this meeting. All lumbermen and their friends are rvelcome.
Dinner will be served at 6:09 p.m. in customary Athens Club style, and at the usual moderate rate of 85 cents a plate.
Committee,chairmen recently appointed to serve the club for the coming year are as follon's : E,ntertainment, H. Sewall Morton ; Publicity. Larue Woodson; Attendance, Bert Bryan; Sports, Henry M. Hink; Education, Prof. Emanuel Fritz; Publi.c Affairs, Frank W. Trorver; Reception, Clem Fraser; Finance, Gordon D. Pierce; Membership, Miland R. Grant; Fraternal, Chas. S. Lamb.
A. H. Silligo has been appointed Sergeant-at-Arms.
John G. Ziel, Barg, Ziel & Co., San Francisco, was a recent Los Angeles visitor rvhere he spent a ferv days calling on the lumber trade.
W. R. Chamberlin & Co. has appointed W. W. Wilkinson of Los Angeles as their Southern California representative. His office is at 318 West Ninth Street, Los Angeles. The telephone number is TUcker 1431. Mr. Wilkinson has been connected with the lumber business in Los Angeles for the past ten years and is widely known to the lumber trade in Southern California.
W. R. Chamberlin & Co. are large shippers of lumber, both cargo and rail, into the California market. The head office of the company is in the Fife Building, San Francisco. They also maintain offices in Oakland, Portland and Seattle. The company operate the following lumber steamers: W. R. Chamberlin Jr., Stanwood, Barbara C., Cricket and Phyllis.
Western Ass'n to Open Pine Regional Offices
Western Pine Asso'ciation decided at its meeting held August 29 and 30 at Klamath Falls, Ore., to open regional branch offi,ces in San Francisco, Klamath Falls, Ore.; Spokane, Wash., and Albuquerque, N. M. This action, it was stated, will enable the Association to give better service to its members throughout the 12 states in rvhich their mills are located.