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An Open Lrettef---

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Decr Mr. Betqil Decler & Scsh crnd Door Mcrnulcclurer:

Your Wholescle Deqler is clwcrys at your service, to supply you with the finest lumber products crvqilcrble, to suit your individucrl neede. Recrlizing thct your desires cre pqrqmount he ie <rlwcys willing to supply you with stock lrom Your own lcvorite mill.

Why not specily on your orderg:

Ship From

* KESTENSON LUMBER CORP., KLAMATH FAITS, ORE. (Mcnufccturing solt textured, kiln dried, end trimmed courmon boords, gelects, shop lumber cnd mouldings.)

* SWAYNE II'MBER COMPANY, OROVILLE, CAIIF. (Manufacturing high grcde, qir dried or kiln dried Sugcr Pine, Ponderosq Pine, Douglcs cnd White Fir, Incense Cedcr.)

I FEATHER RIVEB LUMEEN COMPANY, DEIJ.ETEN, CALIF. (Mixed or strcight ccrg solt textured Sugcr and Ponderosc Pine, lrom tbe lqmoue Feather Biver region,) -cnd be assured ol receiving the best in mcrnulacture, texture, grcde cnd service.

Yourg lor gervice qnd sctislcction,

Hold Labor Day Celebrations

More than 6000 employees of the California Redwood lumber industry enjoyed a triple holiday over Labor Day, with two of the companies Ieaturing all-day picnics and athletic carnivals.

Employees o.f the Union Lumber Company at Fort Bragg had no organized celebration but chose instead to hit for the rvoods and streams to enjoy the seasonal hunting and fishing. Other Mendocino lumbermen did the same, except for the Fort Bragg baseball team which went to Scotia to participate in festivities there. The Scotia club defeated Fort Bragg in a doubleheader, 6 to 1 and l0 to 9.

At Samoa, with President L. C. Hammond as host of the day, employees of the Hammond Redwood Company enjoyed another of theilfamous holiday athletic carnivals and picnics. Free refreshments, special prizes for athletic events, and a program of general entertainment featured the schedule enjoyed by more than 2500 persons.

The third annual employees' picnic sponsored by the Safety Organization of The Pacific Lumber Company drew a crowd of. 37OO people to Scotia Park. This huge crolr,'d rvas fed at a gigantic barbecue of seven prime steers prepared by the famous chef, Jim Patterson. In addition, the company committee furnished a ton of potato salad, 100 gallons of ice cream, and all the {resh milk the children could drink.

Derby Bendorf and Lee Harris directed the afiair with the aid of the following committee chairmen: Jack Wood. grounds; invitations and awards, Ray Soares; H. E. Nevilie, announcing; E. C. Mead, seating; Guy Walster and Boy Scouts, parking; J. P. McGovern, entertainment; Roy Livingston, transportation; Joe Casey, baseball games ; Fred Christen and E. H. Ffansen, catering; Jack Troy. tables; Charles Jaehnig, meat; Roy Tatman, salad; Harold Eglin, bread and butter preparation; Robert Monteith, coffee and sugar; Bob Lamson, milk for children; Harry Marsh. beverages; A. J. McMillan, ice cream; Dan Mclean and Bert Armstrong, dance; Mrs. Peter Wilson, first aid; J. R. French, R. W. Coke and J. R. Blitch, liaison committee; and A. S. Murphy, E. E. Yoder, W. C. Dorsey, F. W. Bender, H. Klass and W. M. Nelson, reception of special guests.

The Old Home


A. tMerriom Connor

An old time home stood over the way, Its walls were dingy, its roof was grey; It mourned in the light of the after glow For sights and sounds of the long ago; When sunlight rippled across its floors And streamed througir hospitably open doors, When firelight dappled its smiling walls, And little children ran through its halls.

The city surged to its broken door

With sounds like the ocean's angry roar, The shadows of buildings fine and tall Darkened its windows at evenfall. Those who loved it had wandered away, Leaving it lonely for many a day, Empty it stood in the rain and the sun An old fashioned home whose day was done.

Remembering days that were bright and glad, The heart of the desolate home was sad; The rvinds through its dusty rooms mourned low Like ghosts of the magical long ago. Nobody wanted it, nobody came To call it "home,"-ah, that dear old name; Ashamed it stood in the shadows grey A relic there of a by-gone day.

But there came one day to its dreaming heart

Those lvho loved it and took its part; They hastened to make it nerv and bright, A temple of beauty and delight.

The old home thrilled with joy and pride

In the midst of the city's surging tide, For again the sunlight gilds its floors And streams through hospitably opened doors.

Vacationing In Colorado

Walter Harris, Lounsberry & Harris, Los Angeles. is on a trip to Colorado. He will be back at his desk the latter part of September.

A Redwood Hangar For Humboldt

Redwood timber construction u'ith Teco connectors has been specified by the Humboldt county, California, board of supervisors for the new $10,000 hangar to be constructed on the county-owned airport near Eureka.

The structure will be 60 by 85 feet and will house eight commercial planes. Construction of the hangar at the new airport will fill a need which has long hampered commercial aviation along the North Coast.

New Federal Forests

Four new Federal forests have been proclaimed National forests by President Roosevelt. These are to be called: Sam Houston, Sabine, Angelina and Davy Crockett National Forests. Each contains a small portion of farm lands; 85 per cent of the area is cut-over stands of pines and hardwoods on soils better suited to timber growing than farmirg. All lie well within the Southern pine belt. Almost half of the 1,714,000 acres is already under federal administration and lies within the fire protection area established by the Texas Forest Service.

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