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Lumberman experienced in retail yard management desires position as manager or assistant manager of retail yard, salesman or estimator. References. Address Box C-688, California Lumber Merchant.

Suburban Yard For Sale

Small yard on main Boulevard. Good lumber, paint, builders' hardware sales. Fast growing community. Reasonable rent. TERMS. Splendid 2-man yard. Address Box-C-683, California Lumber Merchant.

Young Lady Wants Position

Experienced stenographer and bookkeeper, capable of doing any office detail work, and figuring estimates, desires position. Bay District or Peninsula preferred. Address Box C-684, California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

Retail lumber yard on main boulevard in East Bay district. $5000.00 will handle. Address Box C-676 California Lumber Merchant.

Experienced Lumberman Wants Position

Lumberman experienced in both wholesale and retail business desires position. Well acquainted with the trade in Northern California, having traveled that territory for several years. Capable bookkeeper and office man. Address Box C-687, The Cdifornia Lumber Merchant.

Look Out Botanigtsl Sayr Sap Does Not Flow up in a Tree Trunlc

A common sense answer to the theories about the upward flow of sap in trees, appears in the July issue of Coronet. It will come as a shock to many to hear now that sap doesn't flow up our trees, but that vapor goes up and condenses and comes down as sap. These pseudo scientific jottings by one John Cullen who has made tests to prove his contentions are interesting to all lumbermen. "Water will no more run up a tree trunk than any other incline," he says. "The tree in the springtime is very much like the steam heating plant. Heat from the sun generates vapor at the base of the tree. The vapor ascends the tree trunk. When the sun sets, the atmosphere about the tree becomes cool. The vapor within the tree condenses and the liquid flows toward the base of the tree. This explains the more abundant flow of sap during the night."

Proofs include . . experiments with encasing the end of

Position Wanted

As manager of retail yard. 17 years' experience; ,10 years of age; married; no children. Clean, constructive record. Good references, Address Box C-689 California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale Or Trade

Lumber Yard in Northern California. Excellent schooling opportunities. Address The California Lumber Merchant Box C-686.

Retail Yards For Sale

Los Angeles yard doing $10,000 monthly business. Real estate, buildings and all equipment $5,700. Stock at inventory.

Yard in active Coast city doing $10,000 a month, real estate leased. Improvements $6,0O0, including one owned lot, equipment $4,(m0, stock $8,000.

Both these yards are exceptionally good buys.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8146.

Lumber Yard For Sale

Small going retail lumber yard for sale. Monthly sales since January lst averaged $3800.00. Low overhead. Reason for selling-other business interests. Address Box C-690, California Lumber Merchant.

a cut limb in glass, at once stopping the apparent flow of liquid,'suggesting condensation rather than liquid flow. Also separating ends of branches and keeping them apart by means of a glass tube. No liquid ever passed through the tube, but beads of liquid when in cold temperatures condensed on the inside of the glass. There was more liquid in the beads of condensation than could be carried in the air within the tube, even at the saturation point. Onions were grown one-half inch in eight hours with sprouts cut and inserted in opposite ends of a glass tube. No liquid passed from bulb to sprout. Also when a tree is tapped in tr,vo places, one above the other, sap will florv from the tap farthest from the ground. By Joseph Cullen, another old myth seems to be exploded.

Vacations At Tahoe

Phil Farnsworth, advertising manager of the California Redwood Association, has returned from a vacation at Lake Tahoe. While on the trip up the lake Phil detoured here and there to do some good promotion work on Picket Pack.

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