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California Building Permits for August

U. S. C. Ofiers Nisht Course to Aid Prospective Home Builders

Designcd to aid prospective home builders or those planning to remodel their houses under the Federal l{ousing Act, a course in "residential planning and financing" rvill be offeerd by University College, evening division of the University of Southern California, according to Dean Ernest W. Tiegs. Beginning Septenrber 20 on the U.S.C. campus the class u'ill be given by Clayton M. Baldwin each Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m.

Trends in architecture, planning the small home, ordinallces, ancl the selection of the site, are features of the course rvith costs and methocis of financing also included in Prof. Baldwin's instruction.

Air conditioning, architectural engineering. landscape architecture, and construction costs are included among the 286 separate courses offered during the tr",'elve week periocl by the S. C. division.

Joins Union Lumber Company Sales Staff

"Dave" Davis has joined the sales staff of the Union Lumller Company, working out of their Los Angeles office. "Dar.e" has covered the Southern California territory for the past several years and has a wide acquaintance rvith the retail lumber trade. He rvas formeriy r,vith the Kelly-Smith Co.

Spent Vacation In Northwest

Paul I{allingby, Hammond Lumber Cornpanr., I-os Arrgeles, and his 'family, have returned from a vacation trip in the Northrvest.

New Lumberman Arrives

Jerome Higman, Reliable Lumber Co., Rosemead, is receiving congratula-ticns from his many friends, the occasion being the arrival of a fine baby boy at his house. He has been named Jerome, Jr., and Jerome, Sr., says that Junior u'ill takc over the management of the yarcl in 1958.

Jack Wtlltams On Vacatton

-J. W. Williams, secretary of the California Redu.oocl Association, is back from spending his vacation in Los Angeles.

East Bay Plasterers End Strike

The six 'iveeks' tieup of plasterels, lathers arr<1 hoc'r carriers in Alameda County ended Septernber 10 '"vhen employers granted a 10 cent an hour increase to rvorkers in each of the three unions involved.

Under the terms of the agreement plasterers will receive $1.60 an hdur;hod carriers, $1.45 an hour and lathers $1.@ an hour.

The San Francisco strike of plasterers, lathers and hod carriers remained in force with no immediate settlement in sight.

Back From New York

M. H. McCalla, of the Fcxworth-McCalla Lumber Company, Phoenix, Arizona, spent a month visiting in New York City. lle returned the first part of September.


The Real Successor to the Sosh Weight GUARANTEED


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