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Frequent Physical Examination-The Road to Health
(I ncde this loolish little tclk to c coavention of doctors, and liked it so well I decided to let ny lumber friends recrd iL)
There's crn old logy idecr thct the nediccrl prolession is stiving hcnd to get rid of, cmd thcrt is thcrt iust beccuse c mcn ncry leel hetrlthy crnd cll right, hd doesn't need cr doctor. Thcrt old notion sure hurts the doctors' business.
I don't know who stcrted thct knockiag old gcg cbout the heclthy mcn being_the lam qfl16 is unconscious ol his hecrltlu We crll lorow thct the only tnrly heclthy mcrn is the one who pcrys cr grect decl ol crttention to hie heclth, hcs himseU examined lrequcntly, keepe up conslcntly with his pulse, Ns tempercture, crnd hiE blood pressure, cmd thinks cbout himsell crll the tirne. How ccm cr mcm be sure he's cll right, iust beccruse he leels well? Iti ridiculous on the fcrce ol it.
I imcgine it wqs probcbly old mcrn Icnrech, or his lather Melhuselqh, who stcrrted thqt notion Just beccruse they lived necrrly cr thouscmd yecrrs ecch cmd never pcrid c doctor's bill, never hcrd lcrlse teeth, never wore glcsses, never hctd cm operction" is no sign they were heclthy. The Lord only lorows how mtrny thiugs they might hcrve lound the nrcrtter with themselves il they hcd iust tcken the bouble to lind out.
Methuselah lived 969 yeqrs and linally got drowned in lhe flood. I'll bet that old rasccl hcrd pus scrcks ct the roots ol his teeth for nine hundred yeqrs, continuclly pumping poison through his systeur. I'll bet he had crdenoids cnd tonsil trouble lor nine hundred cmd sixty yeqrs. And I'tl bet he needed glcsses lor ct lecst nine hundred yecrs.
Thfurlc of thd ecrqches he must hcve hcd, cmd never the plecsure oI hcving one lcmced! I'll bet there were hundreds oI tinres in his lile when" if he hcd known whct his blood pressure wcs, he'd hcve &opped deadl I don'i believe he was hall cs heclthy crs ihe records would hcnre us believe. He didn't lorow whether he wcs heclthy or not. He never gcrve his health a real test. He should hcve geen q doctor now crnd then. Then, if he lived to cr ripe old cge, he would hcrve had something to brcg cbout.
I'll bet if Methuselcrh ccone into the world lodcy, with cll the vitclity cnd potenticrl long lile he stcrted with in the dcrys ol old, thcrt before he wcs ten yecrs ol crge he would hcve his cdenoids crnd tonsils oul'before he wcrs twenty he would hqve qi leqst one opertrtion'belore he wcrs thirty he would be wecring glcrsses; belore he wqs lorty he would hcrve lalse teeth; cnd before he wcs seventy he would die lrom cr pcrlsied old crge.
I tell you, friends, thqt the hope oI this medical prolession lies in ridding the world oI these fclse idecs cbout crutomatic heclth. To let c mcrn live cmd die without linding out crll the terrors thcrt sunound him, crll the bugs cnd genns thcrt threcrten him, all the ncrureless horrors thct dog his lootsteps crll the wcry through life, crll the chances he is dcrily tcrking, cmd crll the anrlul things th<rt might hcrppen to him-is nothing short ol crimincrl.
Residential Construction Showed Feather River Pine Mills Building Big Increase in July and Modern Plant at Feather Falls
Washington, Sept. 7-Residential construction in the United States leaped forward in July, increasing 38 per cent over June, economists of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board reported today.
The percentage increase was based upon an analysis of the residential construction index adjusted for normal seasonal variations. The index stood at 53.2 f.or July as compared with 36.6 in June. The index base of 100 used is for the year 1926.
Residential building in cities of 10,00O and greater population during the first seven months of the year totaled L7I,794 units costing $610,362,1@. These figures compared with 159.884 units built in the first seven months of last year at a cost of. $476,941,1ffi.
In July, new family dwelling units built or projected by all types of builders totaled 28,463 and were valued at $101,200,200. In June there were 22,476 units costing $81,273,200 and in July, 1939, 23,479 units were reported at a value of $85,610,100.
For some time, building figures in cities, in general, have shown a forward trend in one-family home construction and the bulk of the increase has been due to expanding activity on the part of private builders. The Board's figures on dwelling units in cities were based upon its monthly study of an analysis of building permits reported to the United States DeDartment of Labor.
One of the biggest and most modern sawmill plants being constructed this year in California is the Pine mill being built by the Feather River Pine Mills, Inc., at Feather Falls, Calif.
The sawmill proper has been in operation for several months, as previou'sly reported in these columns, and the remainder of the plant is being carried o,n to completion a unit at a time. The saw'mill is equipped with a ten-foot head rig, and a nine-foot double-cutting pony rig, two edgers, and automatic trimmer. The entire mill is driven by electricity.
There is now being built trvo modern fan type steam dry kilns, green storage shed, dry cooling shed, a dry sorter 196 feet long, a 23Gf.oot long dry shed, a large and well equipped planing mill. The plant is cutting about 150,00O feet on an eight hour shift.
A. H. Land, former operator of a mill at Oroville, is pnesident of the company, C. H. Land, his son, is his assistant, and Charles Schleef, well known Northern California mill ope,rator, is manager.
Back From Fishing Trip
Harry G. Hood of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned September 3 from two weeks' steelhead fishing on the Klamath River.
He was accompanied on the trip by Joe Stewart, superintendent of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.. Eureka.
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