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Tearf,i-mates in Defense
fTllIE High Climber in the torest sccling the gicrat I "pct lree ond the <rvialor pctrolling the sky cre lecIn.mcrtee in delense. Both qre lecrlessly perlorniug essenticrl iobe.
The.High Climber, 20 stories in the qir, with <rxe cmd sow lops the lree. The spar is recdy, c 200 loot tower ol strength to which he qttqcheg gre<rt ccble* These cre the sky lincs ol the loresl along which snonnoua logs cre corried lo llqt cqrg lor trcnsportatiotr to the lurnbea pulp <rnd ply-wood mills, lreguently many rniles cwcy. The High Clirnber is c syrnbol ol the men ol lhe lurnber industry, clwcys recdy lor the chcllenge ol difficult demcnds. The ellicieni mqnaer in which they cre rneeling the demandg ol Arneric<r lor lunber is a bright spot in the record ol the nation.
Almost ovemight the industry produced billioas ol leet oI lunber lor nationql delense, lor the housing oI soldiers md worlcnen-billions of leet oI lur.rber to meet more ihcn normcrl requiremenls lor new homes, Icrm buildings, shops <rnd fccloriee--millious ol leet lor new qnd wider uses. often reletrsiag other materiols lor delense needs.
Lumber is shouldering its grecter respolrsibilities quickly, elficiently qnd economic<rlly beccruse lurnber is America's most crdcptcble building mcrtericl. Ils us€s crc mdtty and vcried. It is sewing essential aecdg in cviolion, It is lcshioned into rnassive tirnbers lor use in shipy<rrds cnd in the construction ol docks, bridges ord vessels, Lumber is clso indispenscble to ntray oiher industries.
Lumber is cbundcntly qvcilcrble, qnd will coatinue to be svailqble beccruse the seeding crnd plcmtiag ol aew trees is replccing thogo thct <rre hcnesled, crseuring c continuing supply. Tirnber is cr crop. It is Americq's grestest renewqble nalural reeource.
Pablisbed on bebalf of the Lamber Indastry by WEYERHAEUSER
Matafactarer ol Forest Pmdscts