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Forestl which will yield an ample supply of choice logs fot yearc to come . . Eaw mills, dry kilns, factories, storage and lhipping facilities tuned to large scale production . .

All these support Bradley's STRAIGHT'LINE Oak Flooring and other primier quality hardwood and pine products' in' cluding:

Oak Plank Flooring Beech and Pine Flooring Oak and Gum Trim and Mouldings, Arkansas Soft Pine finish and yard stocl<.

In other words, when you line up with Bradley' you are obtaining an assured Eource of supply ior "r"ty quality lumber item in your shed and yard.

A phone cali to any Bradley represenlative will bring quick action.

The law of life is the law of progress. It was the prophet Elijah who said: "It is enough; now, Oh Lord, take my life, for I im, no better thirn my fathers.',

Peter B. KSme once *t;" lo,rLrrrtn, a mutual friend of ours, novy dead: "He has known sorrow and ingratitude and treachery and broken faith and unrequited love and a long Gethsemane of pain, yet he has never been embittered, nor ever spoken ill of anyone." What an epitaph !

And then, of course, there was a crook who not only refused to pay the dentist for his set of false teeth, but actually gnashed the unpaid-for teeth at him.

"Hit may be hahd," said philosophical Mose, ,fo' a rich man t'git into Hebbin; but hits a heap sight hahda fo' a po, man t' stay right heah on de yearth."

A man with a ,"prrt"tiol ,J, j"rr"ro.ity and fair dealing can get a better trade out of any man any time than can the well known tight-wad. There is absolutely no good return from meanness and miserliness.

And then there was the rich man who snored, and who advertised for an attractive wife who must be deaf but not dumb.

Three rules for "*".""iu ;"01" speaking: t-Stand up to be seen. 2-Speak up to be heard. 3-Sit down to be liked.


Henry George said: "The more you study the question, the more you will see that the true law of social life is the law of love, the law of liberty, the law of each for all and all for each; that the golden rule of morals is also the golden rule of the science of wealth; that the highest expression of religious truth includes the widest generalizations of political economy."

The great Dr. Johnson said: .,Life affords no greater pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties. He that labors in any great or laudable undertaking has his fatigues first supported by hope, and afterwards rewarded by joy.', rF**

The reason that famous statue ',The Thinker" shows a man sitting with his chin in his hand, is that when you sit that way your hand folds your mouth shut and keeps you from disturbing your own thoughts by talking at the wrong time.

Pride keeps man a -"":"; nJo*"r,-r.raight. For pride is a fortress, not only impregnable, but unassailable. *rr* rl.**

Thomas Jefferson once said: "to gain leisure, wealth must first be earned; but once leisure is gained, more people use it in the pursuit of pleasure, than employ it in acquiring knowledge."

Here are five commandments, which if followed, will help any man along the path of life: Be Fair, Be Square, Be Courteous, Be Considerate, Be Kindly.

Ben FranHin was ,f," ,Srf, "rird Oorn in a family of 12 children. The other 16 were ordinary run-of-the-mill hu- mans. The 15th child was of the eagle tribe. Fortunate for America that birth-control was unknown to those early colonial mothers; otherwise there would have been no Ben Franklin.

"when some men dir"h:rg: ai obligation " Mark rwain once remarked, "you can hear the report for miles around."


Henry Ford once said: "The greatness of this country is built on the ability to solve problems that don't have any answer printed in the back of the book."

The basic weakness .";, ;; eventuauy destroy both Nazism and Communism, is lack of spirituality-lack of religion. A great nation of atheists is an impossibility. The basic principle of such a society must needs be selfishness, and from such a foundation no mighty or permanent structure will ever rise. Hitler is but an incident in the history of nations. But religion is the very life of those nations. Man, at heart, is a creature that requires sentiment, and religion is the deepest, most ineradicable sentiment of the human heart. Strike out religion and you reduce a nation to the level of educated beasts. Annul the power that draws a nation upward, and they sink back to savagery. Where there is no Fatherhood of God there can be no Brotherhood of Man. The dictators may try as they will to erase religion from the human heart, but the effort will finally be in vain, and the adoration of a Supreme Power will remain the divine perfume of the soul.


Francis G. Hanson of West Coast Screen Co., Los Angeles, left August 26 on one of his periodical trips around the country for the purpose of promoting the sale of his company's famous Hollywood Door. He went to San Francisco and the Northwest cities on the first leg of his tour and will visit all the principal cities of the Middle West and East.

After spending some time in New York and Boston he will go to Atlanta, Ga., and return by way of Louisiana and Texas. While in the East he will purchase some new machinery and equipment for the factory. Mr. Hanson, who expects to be gone five or six weeks, is accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Hanson.

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