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Ceiling Prices on Douglas Fir Ejlective October 1
The ceiling prices on Douglas Fir lumber were released by the Office of Price Administration on September 10. The price schedule is the result of the meeting of Peter A. Stone of the Office of Price Administration held with West Coast manufacturers at Portland, Oregon, August 20, and the work of the committee appointed to assist Mr. Stone. Only the principally used yard items are included. The schedule becomes effective October 1.
A copy of the price schedule follows:
Title 3z-National Defense
Chapter XI-Office of Price Administration
Part 1312-Lumber and Lumber Products
Price Schedule No. 26, Douglas Fir Lumber
Douglas Fir lumber, a Pacific Coast product, is often emplgyed_ co-extensively and to some extent interchangeably with Southern pine lumber. It is widely used in the constr,uction industry for exterior and interior finish, framing, mill work, sheathings, floorings, and sub-floorings, and ln the manufacture of crates, low-grade furniture, and household and farm appliances. In the defense program it has been extensively employed in the construcfion of cantonments, defense housing projects, and factories, and in the production of ships and airplanes. The increased need for Douglas Fir lumber has prompted government's efforts to secure expanded production, but the supply has failed to keep pace with the augmented demand stemming from the defense program and the accompanying economic expansion. As a consequence, inflationary pressure has caused prices to lise greatly in excess of previously existing industry levels. Such price increases have markedly outslripped iost advances. fssuance of a Price Schedule is therefore necessary to_ protect consumers and those members of the industry who are attempting to keep price down.
Accordingly, under the authority vested in me by Executive Order No. 8734, it is hereby directed that: l3l2.5l Maximum Prices for Douglas Fir Lumber. On and after October l, L941, regardless of the terms of any contract,,of sale or purchase or other commitment, no peison shall sell, offer to sell, or deliver to a purchaser,- for domestic or export use, any Douglas Fir lumber, where the shipment originates at the mill rather than at a distribution yard, at prices higher than the maximum prices set forth in Appendix A, incorporated herein as s 1312.6O, provided, that such maximum prices shall not apply where attual delivery has been made by the mill to the purchaser, or to a carrier for delivery to a purchaser, prior tb October l,1941.
1312.52 Less than Maximum Prices. Lorver prices than those set forth in Appendix A, incorporated herein as s I3Lz.ffi may be charged, demanded, paid or offered. t312.53 Evasions. The price limitations set forth in this Schedule shall not be evaded by unusual charges for extending credit or for early deliverl, by charges for delivery which exceed the actual cost of such delivery except as otherwise provided herein, by unnecessarily routing lumber through a distribution yard, or by other direct or indirect methods. The seller shall in all cases give the purchaser the option of making his own transportation arrangements.
1312.54 Records. Every person who, during any calendar month, shall sell 34,000 pounds or more of Douglas Fir lumber for shipment originating at the mill shall preserve for inspection bv the Office of Price Administration for a period-of not liss than one year, a complete and accurate record of every sale of such lumber made during such month, showing the date thereof, the name of the buyer, the prices, and the quantities and grades sold.
1312.55 Reports. Persons affected by this Schedule shall submit such reports to this office as it mav from time to time require.
1312.56 Enforcement. In the event of refusal or failure to abide by the price limitations and other provisions contained in this Schedule, or in the event of any evasion or attempt to evade the price limitations or other provisions contained in this Schedule. the Office of Price Administration will make every effort to assure (a) that the Congress and the public are fully informed of any failure to abide by the provisions of this Schedule, (b) that the powers of the Government are fully exerted in order to protect the public interest and the interests of those persons, who conform with this Schedule in the observance of the maximum prices and other provisions herein set forth, and (c) that the procurement services of the Government are requested to refrain from purchasing Douglas Fir lumber from those Dersons vvho fail to conform with this Schedule. Persons who have evidence of the demand of prices above the limitations set forth, of any evasion or effort to evade such requirements, of speculation, of price manipulation, or of the hoarding or accumulation of unnecessary inventories, are urged to communicate with the Office of Price Administration.
1312.57 Modification of the Schedule. Persons complaining of hardship or inecluity in the operation of this Schedule may apply to the Office of Price Administration
(Continued on Page 13)