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Pacific Coast Hardwood Distributors Hold Convention at Santa Barbara

P. R. Kahn of Forsyth Hardwood Co., San Francisco, was elected president of the Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Association at the 19th annual convention held at the Santa Barbara Biltmore Hotel, Santa Barbara, August 28-30.

A. E. Wanke of Wanke Panel Co., Portland, was elected vice-president, and Fred Smales, U. S. Plywood Corporation, San Francisco, was elected secretary-treasurer.

New directors elected are Norman C. Sawers, J. Fyfe Smith Co., Vancouver, B. C.; Dallas Donnan, Ehrlich-Harrison Co., Seattle; P. J. Ahern, Emerson Hardwood Co., Portland; James Davis, Davis Hardwood Co., San Francisco; Milton Taenzer, American Hardwood Co., San Francisco, and Al Frost, Frost Hardwood Co., San Diego.

President C. R. Taenzer presided at the business sessions. In his opening address, after welcoming the members, he urged the promotion and development of the use of hardwood lumber, and made constructive suggestions for getting results along this line.

Sectional reports of business conditions and the outlook for the future were given by LeRoy Stanton for the Los Angeles area; Don F. White for the San Francisco territory; A. E. Wanke for Portland; Jerry Sullivan for San Diego.

Practically all of the members joined in a general discussion of business conditions and future prospects.

A special feature of the evening was the after dinner talk by Captain Clarence E. Barry, Port Captain of the OwensParks Lumber Company's shipping department, who related some of his experiences in various parts of the world in a most interesting manner. Captain Barry is a life-time honorary member of International Adventurers, Inc., an organization whose membership is limited to six. He was elected some years ago to the vacancy caused by the death of Lord Carnarvon, discoverer of King Tut's tomb.

The principal speaker at the Friday morning business session was Dr. R. M. Langer, California Institute of Technology physicist, whose subject was "Science and Defense."

The physicist told the gathering that "pure" scientific research in the nation has come to a halt tvith all scientists working with the government on defense projects.

"Science, in contrast to industry, has turned all of its men and resources over to defense work," Dr. Langer said"Despite the abandonment of research work, great progress is being made, however, as an incidental result of defense experimentation."

As an example of work which emergency has halted, Dr. Langer named the Palomar telescope, on which grinding

Port Orford Cedar

has ceased since opticians are needed to produce military precision instruments.

A general discussion followed in which all members took part on the subject of defense problems that face the hardwood lumber industry.

A letter was read from John McClure, secretary of the National Hardwood Lumber Association, in which he asked members to attend the Association's convention at Atlanta, Ga., September 18, 19. The principal address at this convention will be given by Raymond Moley, editor of Newsweek, on "Inflation-The Destroyer."

The annual banquet and dance for delegates and wives was held on Friday evening.

Of the greatest interest to members was the talk at the Saturday morning session by Phillips A. Hayward, industrial consultant on forest products for the U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., who spoke on the problems of the industry created by defense needs and concerning South American lumber development.

He said that prospects for developing new sources of supply in South America are hopeful, with the chief difficulties lying in transpoftation, and that the Rockefeller committee to promote interchange of commerce between the Americas has achieved considerable success in stimulating production of lumber for export in South America.

New members were announced by the chairman of the membership committee. These are Angelus Hardwood Co., Los Angeles, and Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles.

The new board of directors will decide on the convention city f.or 1942 and will make announcement of the place and date before the end of the year.

The winner of the golf tournament was W. F. (Bill) Fahs, of California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles. The trophy was unusual, being a poker chip holder made of wood, enclosed in a case made of Oriental Walnut. The holder was oval shaped and laminated of Walnut, Fir plywood, Honduras Mahogany, Poplar, Figured Gum, with the top layer of solid Walnut with Walnut veneer. The presentation of the trophy was made at the dinner dance on Saturday evening.

The attendance was as follows:

A. E. Wanke, Wanke Panel Co.. Portland.

James Davis, Davis Hardwood Co.. San Francisco.

P. R. Kahn, Forsyth Hardwood Co., San Francisco.

Don F. White, White Brothers. San Francisco.

Fred Smales, U. S. Plywood Corp., San Francisco.

Nelson E. Jones-Jones Hardwood Co., San Francisco.

Jerry Sullivan, Jr., Sullivan Hardwood Co., San Diego.

C. R. Taenzer, American lfardwood Co., Los Angeles.

W. F. Fahs, California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles.

J. D. Murphy, Owens-Parks Lumber Co., Los Angeles.

LeRoy Stanton Sr., E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.

LeRoy Stanton Jr., E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.

Hal Von Breton, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.

N. J. Sorensen, IJ. S. Pll"wood Corp., Los Angeles.

Frank J. Connolly, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles.

Miss Frances Mclntyre, Slattery Hardwood Angeles.

Geo. M. Cornwall, The Timberman, San Francisco.

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