2 minute read
Yard, Mill, Office ond Road
What Liue California Lumbermen Are Doing
Fobes Visits Northwest Itiills
R. A. Fobes, manager of the I-:os Angeles office of Sudden & Christenson, has just returned. from a three weeks' tour of the Northwest, where he visited some of the principal fir producing mills. Like most other travelers in that territory lhis year, he brings back reports of steady operations and a big run of business at all the mills. Henry Hess, manager of the Sudden & Christenson retail yards, spent several days recently in the Los Angeles office, conferring with Mr. Fobes and other officials.
The editorial in our last issue on "Say it Out I-loud" has remind.ed Fred Hamlin of the Pacific Mill & Timber Company at San Francisco of a poem, which really is more truthful than poetical. Here it is:
The man who whispers down a well About the good.s he has to sell, Will never reap the shining dollars Like one who climbs a tree and hollers.
Frank Curran, general manager of the I-.,os Angeles headquarters of the E. K. Wood. Lumber company, is on a trip to the mills and offices in the North. He wiII visit the sales offices in Portland and the mills at Hoquiam and Bellingham, and stop in the San Francisco offices on the way home.
H. W. Mcleod, general manager of the Hammond I-,lumber company's big yard in I-ros Angeles, has returned from a trip to the mill at Eureka and the general offices in San Francisco. He intended. going on to the Oregon properties, when word. came of the burnins of the Astoria mill.
James D. Studley, from the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., together with C. L. Hill of the San Francisco office of the U. S. Forest Service, are at Fort Bragg, installing at the plant of the Union Ilumber Company the first unit of an air drying experiment being conducted jointly by the Laboratory and the California Redwood Association. Other units will later be installed at the yards of the Albion and the l-.rittle River Redwood companies.
A business meeting of the Sacramento Valley L,umberlnen's Association was held in Sacramento on Saturday, September 23. The State Housing Act was thoroughly discuised, as were means for fighting strenuously to sustain the anti-shingle referendum. F. E. Conner, President, and E. D. Tennant, Secretary of the California I-.rumbermen's Association, outlined the need for an active state-wide organization to protect the interests of the lumbermen. The members present were in favor of the State Association being made a permanent organization.
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"l wish to express my sincere gratitude for the co-operation you are giving us in addition to the publication of our ad in your paper. Your personal assistance in following up some of the inquiries is more than we expected when placing our advertising with you."The Brininstool Co., Los Angeles. I