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Dealers who have tried this wonderful dimen sion stock are enthusiastic over its fine quality and appearance. Ask us about it.
California White Pine
A eplendid quality of this etock beautifully manufactured, ready for prompt shipment.
Box Shooks
Three cars a day of this ctock.
Ten Commandments of Selling
DEAL of truth ir contained in the following extractr from an addresr delivered by Dr. Frank Crane at the New York Life InruranG€ GorvGntion at White Sulphur Springr.
I. Be Agreeable.-If your voice ir diragreeable and your manner of rpeech hdirtinct, aec specialistr. Don't get mad. I like to be lunny, but I dontt want you to get freckles.
U. Know Your Goods.-And when you tell me anything, talk plainly. Moct salesmen lack imagination. They cannot conceive the extent of my ignorance.
III. Don't Argue.-When you argue with a man, you are trying to purh him. He may be weak and pretend to be convinced. Over night he will change.
IV. Make It Plain.-Get a grarp on the fellow you are talking with. Do not get out that little book that will only puzzle him. Ancwer his quectionq without looking at your bookr, charts, tabler.
V. Tell The Truth.-By the law of average, honesty giver the greatert profitt. If you are working for a concern where you can not tell the truth, quit and go elrcwhere.
VL Be Dependable.-If you tell a man you are going to do a thing, do it if it cortr a leg.
Vtr. Remember Namer and Faces.-Dontt call me C'reen when my name ir Crane. I am renritive about my name. Don't call me Mr. if my title ir Dr. Don't call a Colonel Major.
Vru. Don't be Egotirtical.-I am. You murt not be. Don't rhow ofr. You carne to cell me romething, not to make a good impreerion. Magnify my ego, not yourt.
IX. Think $usss$.-ftadiate prosperity. Do not mention cdamities, dirger, funerals. Be a little Pollyanna.
X. Be Human.-If the company merely wanted to diseminate infonnation, they would use a catalog, not you.