2 minute read

Our New Snark

By Jack Dionne

'W. S. Dickason, of Kansas City, the newly elected Snark of the Universe of Hoo-Hoo, is a friend. of mine of many ye4rs standing and one whom I am cletighted to see holcling the supreme offce in the Order, on account of tle impetus his personal standing and his virile leadership will give the afrairs of the O.rder in many territories where Iloo-Ifoo needs a re-charging of its batteries.

w. s. DicLaron


thing about the new Snark. Ile is executive head. and manager of the Dickason-Gloodman Lumber Company, of Kansas -City, Mo., wlrere he makes his home. His-ffrm'operates a big string of retail lumber plants in Oklahoma,- Kansas, and Missouri, and has been famous for years for its pro- gressive methods of merchandising building materials. Mr. Dickason is a firm believer in tfie theory tnat ttre loU of the retail lumberman is to do the building thinking for his community, and that his prosperity will depend to a considerable extent upon his ability to get out and create business.

His retail yard.s are very successful sellers of sidelines, merchandsing hardware and. paint in a very large wdy, as well as the more general sidelines.

Mr. W. S. Dickason is at the present time the most distinguished "title holder" of any living retailer. In addition to being Snark of the Universe, he is Presialent of The Southwestern l:umbermen's Association, and Xlirst Vice President and slated as next President of the National Retail l.lumber Dealer's Association. The Southwestern Lumbermen's Association is a retail organization of the ffnest caliber, covering the states of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoman, and Arkansas.

So tnis leading retail lunberman may be expected to do much for lfoo-Iloo during his year of Snarkship.

Personally he is a business man of the highest type, earnest and studious in his business application, yet a wonderful mixer and all around good fellow whom it is a pleasure to meet.


Vicegerents for three of the California districts. to serve through the new lloo-Hoo year, have been appointed by C. D. I-reMaster, senior: Iloo-Hoo, in charge of the California anfi Arizona jurisdiction. Other vicegerents will be ap_ pointed in a few weeks. Following are the appointmenti:

San Francisco district-Henry Fill, sales m^aiager llamuond Lumber Company.

_ San Joaquin Valley-Henry Berhauer of the Fresno planine MiU.

Los Angeles district-Curtis Williams, wholesale'lumber.

_ .,!rizo_n-a appointments are: State counselor, John C. I-.light,.Norman-I-:ight Lumber Company, Miami; Mounl;a.in district-lfdnor S. Cornick, UcGonigte Lumber Co., Riordan ;- Border district-Albert W. Stacey, Bassett IrumL"_" 9o- Do_uglas; Valley district-P. I. Merithew, E. K. Wood I-rumber company, Phoenir.

Arizona To Iiave Concat

'What doubtless will be the biggest concat helcl in Arizona in recent years is scheduled [o tate place in connection with the state fair at phoenix, Friday, liov. B. preliminary arrangements are in the hands of p. I. Merithew, vicegerent for the district, and J. C. Lright, state counseilor f6r the Order.

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