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Permanent Committee Is Named to Handle All Standardization Work.
Further proceedings toward adoption of uniform Iumber standards throughout the country have been placed in the hands of a committee representing the various branches of the industry.
Many months probably wili be required to work out standards that will be acceptable to every section of the country aqd leaders in the movement do not expect that any changes that may be necessary can be inaugurated over night.
The three main points that the committee hopes to work out are: first, Iumber grades and grade names; second, lumber sizes, and third, guarantees for the protection of the public.
The central committee appointed by the National Lumber Manufacturers' association to take charge of the work folIows:
John W. Blodgett, Blodgett Company, Ldt., Grand Rapids, Mich. Chairman;
John H. Kirby, Birby-Bonner I.lumber Co., Houston, 'I'exas. Representing Manufacturers;
Charles A. Goodman, Sawyer-Goodman Lumber Co., Marinette,'Wisc. Representing Manufacturers;
Dwight Ilinckley, Dwight-Hinckley I-firmber Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Representing'Wlholesalers;
John E.I-:Ioyd, William M. Lloyd Company, Philaclelphia, Pa. Representing ll,etailers;
W. E. Hawley, Duluth Missabe & Northern Railway Company, Duluth, Minn. Representing Railways and Engineers;
E. S. Hall, Architect, Chicago, Illinois. Representing tects.
C. S. Brace, for the last seven years with the Hart-'Wood umber Company in San Francisco and Stoekton, has joined lhe staff of the consolidated. Simpson-Gray and Stockton I-rumber com.panies in Stockton, and will be connectecl with the sales department.
605-606 Fife Building SAN FRANCISCO
California White and Sugar Pine
Douglas Fir Cedar Shingles rF Our long experlence with the HartWood Lumber Co. and our knowledge of western lumber are at YOUR servlce.
A fire that broke out in the hold of the motorship 'William I)onovan threatened destruction of docks and lumber contents at San some of the immense Pedro last week: The flames were subdued and the boat was saved. She was carrying a cargo of 1,800,000 feet of lumber from Grays IIarbor.
The current report of the California Redwood Association for the week ended September 15, shows shipments and production of 14 reporting mills totaling 6,267,000 feet and 9,751,000 feet respectively, with 13 mills reporting a combined total of 7,093,000 feet of new business.
A. aggregate of approximately 20,000,000 feet of lumber was cut in August at the four mills operated by the Charles R. McCormick interests in the vicinity of St. Helens, Oregon-on the Columbia river. This record is being maintained steadily through the season. About 17,500,000 feet of the August cut moved by water to California and Atlantic coast; the balance was distributed to various destinations by rail.