4 minute read
Can t'Cash fn" On This Consumer Advertising Carnpaign
" . The Consolidated Shingle Mi[s of British Columbia, Limited, are nationally advertising Bridsh Colunbia Red Cedar Shingles under the traderrark EDGWOOD. Only No. I Edge-gtain Shingles gr.d"d under srict inspection are pemitted to carry this trade- ' mark. Durtng the ensuing yexlr 37r467r|tt ' 'pagbs and one.half pages in the Saturday . Evening Poet, Flouee and Garden and other 'nationd publications will carry a rnessage to home-builders, architects, contractors, and epeculative-builders re EDGWOOD Shingle Roofs'and Sidewallg. More than 15,000,000 readers per month will be told that the highest grade Red Cedar Shingle that it is possible'to ' make mey be identified under the rade-rhark EDGI7OOD. Dealers witl find it profitable :: to stpck EDGWOOD Shingles. 'Write for Dealers''Sales-Planc which will enable you to ltcash int'.on this advertising. Ve will be glad tq send you lists of Bridsh Columbta mills who menufacture EDGWOOD Britirh 'Columbia Red Cedar Shingles..
The Consotid"t"d Shingle Mills of' British Colurnbia, Limited
907-8 Metropolitan Buitding, VANCOUVER, B. C.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcrr of California White & Swar Pine Mills at Suranville and Hilt, Calif.
Moulding-Lattice-Cut Up Stock
Thick Pattern Lunber
Try a car and you will repeat.
B. W. ADAMS, Msr.
Thcrd s Money in ihis Kitchen for YOU
THE modern waytosell cas€work idto haodleit com, plete, just" ae you would doors.You never eell jrxt the material for a door;why sell just the material for dl qew built in conveniences? $ell them complete. The Pnnr,rss line of built in furniare consista of more ttran go diferent units. Every one of them is popular and a'good seller. We give axclusive agencies. ril/riu fot tgzi Cauhg and ' deakr proposition.
DEERLESS EBwilt-in Fwraiture

(Continued from Page 40) incipient -fusion an intimate and properly proportioned mixture of argillaceous and calcaieous haterials, without the addition of anything subsesequent to calcination excepting water ind calcined or.uncalcined gypsum."
While it is possible to vary the raw materials to some extent and still manufacture a true portland Cement. in dealing with the subject insofar as the Southern California plants are concerned, the raw materials consisting of limestone and clay or shale are qu.arried near the mills and usually haldled by industrial raihvays to the preliminary crusher. The raw materials are furiher reduced throug'h preliminary. and secon-dary crushers from where it may Be conveyed directly to the raw grinding mills or to the siock storage. The advantage of carrying a large rock stor?Ce at a location immediately adjacent to the mill is. readily , appreciated as a precauiionary measure to eliminate .delays that might be caused by (uarry or railroad breakdowns.

From the rock storage the raw material is conveyed to ball mills for final raw grinding, and from these mills is passed in a liquid state at the consistency of rich cream to the slurry tanks where it is properly proportioned and mixed for further conveying to the rot-ary kilns for burnittg.
It should be brought to the reader's attention that this description deals with what is known as the "Wet Process" of manufacture, there being two distinct methods of producing Portland Cement; i.e., Wet and Dry Process.
.!9 is an interesting fact that the Victorville, California, mill of the Southwestern Portland Cement Company was the first 'Wet Process mill in Southern California.'ttti. process. is recognized as being distinctly superior to the ,,Ijry,, in that it is possible to effect a much^ finer grind in tLe raw materials in addition to enabling the chemist to know definitely the exact _analysis of the materials before they are burned. The Wet Process of manufacture is being generally adopted in the newer and more modern mills. =
From the slurry tanks the raw grind still in a liquid
(Continued on Page 49.)
He Cheated Himself
A certain rich man who wanted to help a poor carpenter whom he thought to be deserving, hired the carpenter to build a house on a hillside, and then went away on a long journey. The carpenter said to himself : "My boss is away and I can use shoddy materials and neglect the supporting materials for the house, because they do not show when the building is completed. The house will be weak, but nobody will know it but me." So he built a ramshackle house.
When the rich man came back the carpenter had finished the structure, and said to him, "Here is your house." "Thank you," said the rich man, "here is the deed and the key. I'm giving it to you."
And the carpenter grieved that he had robbed himself of a good house.
W" reap what we sow. We have to live in the house of life that we build. If we do shoddy work, if we "soldier" on the boss, we pinch ourselves, and shrivel up and lose our ability to distinguish between right and wrong. We have to live in such a hoube without character. We have to live with ourselves.
It is a tremendous fact that each of us is building today the house we must live in tomorrow. We can build a palace or a hovel, a mansion or a pigpen, but we must live in it.
A Leaking Heart
"Anybody hurt in the wreck?" inquired the excited passerby as he rushed up to where the car was overturned. "One I believe," replied the innocent bystander. "Bone broken?"
"I think it's his heart," said the innocent bystander, as he pointed to the victim who was sitting beside a leaking suitcase and weeping bitterly.
He Wanted To Make Sure
Two backwoodsmen knocked at the door of a house at the edge of the forest, and a farmer came to the door.
t'Hello, Ed," said one of the men, "say, we came across the body of a dead man over there in the hollow and he looked so much like you we kind of thought it was you."
"That so? What did he look like?" asked the farmer.
"Well, he was about your build and weight."
"Hav€ on a grey flannel shirt?"
ttYep.tt ttYep.t'
"Wrrz they knee boots or hip boots?'
"Let's see. Which was they, Charley, knee boots or hip boots? Oh, yes, they was hip boots."
"Nope," said the farmer, with conviction, t'it wasntt me."
Little Things
He rang in a little sooner
Than the fellows in his shop; And he stayed a little longer
When the whistle ordered "stop."
He worked a little harder
And he talked a little less;
He seemed but little hurried
And he showed but little stress, For every little movement
His efficiency expressed.
Thus his envelope grew just
A little thicker than the rest.
Englishmair who was lickered up.
"Give us a round trip ticket."
"Where to?"
"Back here, you silly ass."