4 minute read
After e day of bruineu or an evening'of Plealrre what a comfort to know Your hotcl is rirht et. your clbow. Stqy et thc co-nvcnicntly located Plaza. Good grrrge. ncir. PerLing tpecc, tool Ratcr t2 to $5.fl).
Lumbermen, you are olwaYs welcome!
(Continued from Page 43) state, is conveyed to the rotary kilns where the moisture is driven off and the mixture lturned. Under the intense heat (2500 to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit) it then forms into clinker, glass hard balls, which emerge from the kilns at a white heat. The burned material is then conveyed to the clinker storage shown, where it is handled over and over again until proper cooling and ageing is effected.
The process of grinding the clinker and the machines used are practically the same as those used in the case of the raw materials. As before, there are twtqi$t'ages-the prpliminary and the final. From the first mi[], the material emeiges as particles about the size of sand grains. From the second, it comes out so finely ground that it is finer than flour-so fine that at least 78 per cent of it must pass through a sieve having 40,000 openings to the square inch. During the finish grind an accurate gypsum content to control the setting time of the cement is added.
' From" the finishing mills, cement is conveyed to storage bins where it is held in bulk, pending shipment to fiIl or- ders. As needed, it is removed from storage and packed for shipment.
Only the major operations of producing cement have been touched upon and it will no doubt be surprising to learn that these are only a few of something over eighty operations which are necessary from the time the rock is, obtained at the quarry until the product is placed upon the market. At all stages of these many operitions the composition of Portland Cement is known and controlled bv experienced chemists who repeatedly check throughout the entire process. This absblute control is especially attainable when Portland cement is manufactured under the "W_et Proce.ss," by which method the maximum degree of uniformity-is se-cured together with the greatest st-rength and reliability of product.
Concrete ii the'most versatile of construciion materials. Its permanence and utility have become knbwh to every- one; Easily moulded, it has found uses that ranse froh 1;m1ll garden vase to the huge locks of the panimi Canal. Of the g_reat amount of ceirent actually conSumed sta: tistics indicate approximately 25 per cent-is uSed in ppbllc (Continued on Page 50)
(The Clatlng Hourr)
This Crolurnn of "'Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for:
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
POSITION WANTED: Middle age man with twenty-five years experience in the lumber business in Southern Calif., both wholesale and retail, wants position. Know the game from ground up. F'or several years was managing owner of retail yard recently sold. Well qualified for salesman, wholesble preferred, as have large personal acquaintance with retail dealers throughout this territory. Want to keep busy. Will consider any reasonable opening. Can fit in to any branch of the business.-Address Box C-144. care of Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Young man wanted at once to take charge of books in lumber office short distance from Sacramento. Satary to begin $150.00 with advancement when earned. Give experience and references. Address Box C-145, California Lumber Merchant.
(Continued from Page 49.)
and commercial buildin gs, 25 per cent in paving and highway construction and the remaining 50 per cent being distributed throughout miscellaneous uses from small requirernents of the farmer to harbor construction, dams, bridges, cement products, etc.
The marketing process of Portland Cement in comparison with most products is direct, and in few other industries is the route between producer and consumer as short as it is in the cement industry. Usually it is a case of manuf acturer-dealer-consumer.
, The mills are located over the whole country and due to the almost direct marketing the manufacturer is in close touch with the ultimate consumer.
Since 1914 the price of cement has perhaps fluctuated less than any other major building material. However, at times there is considerable criticism when similar prices are quoted by competing cement manufacturers. Yet the
FOR SALE-A retail lumber yard in a locality where the percentage of increased population exceeded any other Southern California community. Present volume satisfactory and prices fair. Stock turned every 45 days. Less than ten thousand required to purchase. Address Box C-142 c-o Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Your trade is valuable to me. I offer you Bruce Oak Flooring and Ceda'line, and with it personal service which you will like. Prompt delivery anywhere. It's easy to phone Pasadena, Wakefield 1634, Los Angeles, GArfield 72C6' very similarity of price is due to competition and only proves the economic law that the selling price tends towards the cost of production.
N. H. PARSONS, 241 N. Allen Ave., Pasadena, Cal.
To quote a noted authority on economics, "ft is axiomatic that there cannot be for the same article of the same quality two prices in the same market assuming that both the buyer and the seller take pains to know what that price may be. The level price is the regular order of the day where competition prevails."

Numerous authorities have investigated prices of building materials during the past several years and it has been the concensus of opinion that cement prices have been reasonable and equitable.
The cement industry is similar to our other great industries. It cannot stand still, it must go forward and in common with them it is always striving to improve its prodlcts, its relatjons with the public and the possible service it can render that public.