1 minute read
Spectfy lteGorrntelc lumber .. any size of ggade!
IIVERY possible lumber requirement within the range of West Coast woods can be had from McCormick. Correctly graded and delivered to you.
A lumber senrice all inclusive . . . ouf own timber standsr l"ggrg c.rmps, four mills cutting 11200,000 feet per &yrfully-equipped treating plant, md fleet of coastal and inter-coastal vessels. In addition, our rail departrnent is well eq"ip- ped to grr" fast service on orders for California and Arizona points. For lmore than a quarter cenfrryrMcCormick has built up and mainained a dependable lumber service. . . dependable quality; de pendable deliveries.
You can profit by this senrice. Let our representativequote you on straight or mixed cars. Or ask our nearest sales ofrce.