3 minute read
Peter C. McNevin
Thc old gag to the effect that "nobody loves a fat man", is just a gag, and that's all If thcre is anyone in the State of California that tears that old idea to tatters and throws the pieces in various and sundry directions, it's the object of these perg pertinent, and impqrtinent rernarks.
This picture that you see here is the first one we ever grabbed of this fat, forty, and forceful gentleman It's Peter C. McNevin, himself. They call him Pete for short. They call him lots of other things, too, but Pete will do for tlis present purpose.
Who is he? Be yourselfl ff you don't know, then you don't know your Cdifornia lumber. That's all.
He was born forty years ago right there on the foge of San Francisco Bay, and for twenty four consecutive years he has been working for and with a great and progressive Redwood manufacturing concern, The Pacific Lumber Company. And our personal opinion that might as *ell be expressed right here is that much of the reason why that concern is great and still more of the reason why it is progressive, is because of the punchfullness and virility of this go-gctting persol, Pete McNevin. You couldn't keep him down with a battery of clubs, and he contaminates everyone around him with that spirit of DOING things, regardless of tradition, or preceden! or anjr other of the ruts that rnost people ride in.
He started with Pacific when he was sixteen years of age, ,!d now he's forty. IIe's not w-hat you'd exactly call a changeable person. fle's been ct-mbing the ladder every year from the day they hired him. And he hasn't done it by deliberate ladder-climbing. He didn't even know he was on a. ladder. He knew he had a job, and he went to work with restless etrergy and limitless' enthusiasm to find out the -wliy and how and when that would make his job show results. And he did the same with each successive job.
_ Tofa;r _he's_ the big gun in the big San Francisco offices of the company. He is General -Sales Manager there. They sell their lumber in the east through i separate corporalioq The Pacific Lumber Company, of Illinois. He is President of that coipora- tiqr. He is a Director in the Redwood Export Company, and likewise in The Redwood Manufacturers Association.
He works like Helen B. Happy in every one of his jobs, offices, and activities. And ho is a progrcssive among the progrecsives. If the lumber industry had Pete McNevins sc-attered freely throughout its ranks there would never be any m6etings held to decide what's the matter with the industry. There would never be anything the matter. Pacific Lumber- Company productr arc well made. Also, they are well solil, well merchandis€d, and well serviced. They go at their work in game fashion. They know it costs tloney and requires time and efrort to create markets, and they go after lheir new marbetr with that assumption- They have done much to extend thq markets and uses of Redwood in the last few years.
You could writc a lot of stuff about Pete McNevin, and not slop over, nor overstep thc_ truth. ,I!e iq a Fo_yerful lov_eable, honorable, useful-perso4 as wlU as being forcefdl and most ably able. He has a fine past behind hirrr. and a crcat future before f,irn His vis-ion fg surltasset the-general vision of the industry. And besides, he's a loyal cmpl,oyee, a derrotion-getting employer, and a_ friend you can pin your faith tb. Ta&e it all &ouna, he is a very worth wtrile Shanty-Irishman.
J. M. Montgomery, Berkeley, representative of the Silver Falls Timber Company, Silverton, Ore., and the International Lumber Co., Portland, Oregon, traveled recently from Portland to Oakland by Pacific Air Transport plane. This plane on arrival in the Bay district lands the m;il at Crissy Field, and then lands passengers at the Oakland airport.
Mr. Montgomery, lvho was returning from a business trip to Oregon, reports that he found the air trip a very interesting one.
Fire, believed to have been of incendiary origin caused a loss estimated at more than $25,000 to the lumber yard and planing mill of J. H. Kruse, San Francisco, September 18.
Denver Taylor Will Sell Pine
Denver Taylor, well-known in California, and until recently sales manager of the 'Westwood Lumber Co., 'Wheeler, Ore., has moved to Lake, Miss., where he will sell Yellow Pine.
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