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List of Meliaceae (Mahogany) Family Growing in Philippines
By Jack Dionne
Our recent editorial on the Phillippine Mahogany sub- MALASAGING; A. elaeagnoides Benth MATAMATA; ject has stirred up a whole lot of interest. Several re- A. everettii Merr. BULOG; A. harmsiana Perk. MALAquests have corne from hardwood men for a list of the TUMBAGA; A. laevigata Merr. GISIHAN; A. llanosiana Meliaceae in the Phitippines, so, as there are probdbly C.DC. BAYANTI; A. multifoliola Merr. KANSULUD; many others who w,ould like the same information, we A. turczaninowii C.D.C. SALAMUNGI x. take pleasure in printing it. Our authority is the same Genus AMOORA, with five or more species, the prinquoted from in our September 15th issue, "Commercial cipal of which is A. aherniana Merr. KATO x. Woods of the Philippines; their Preparation and lJses," Genus APHANOMYXIS, the chief species of which is by E. E. Schneider, 'Wood Expert, Bureau of Forestry A. cumingiana Ffarms SALAKIN. of the Philippine Islands. This book was printed in 1916 Genus AZADIRACHTA, the chief of which is a big and by the Philippine Bureau of Forestry, and in the introduc- useful tree, A. integrifoliola Merr. MARANGGO. tion in the front of the book W. F. Sherfesee, Director of Genus DYSOXYLUM, of which there are about 25 Forestry at that time at Manila presents,to "wood users all species, the better known ones being: D. decandrum Merr. over the world' complete and authentic information con- x. AGARU; D. euphlebium Merr. MIAO; D. turczaninowii cerning the woods of the Philippine Archipelago either C.D.C. KAYATAU x.
now in use in commercial quantities or which, if their qualities were better known, would make such a place for themselves."
Under the title "MELIACEAE," Mr. Schneider lists eight Genus of the family. He likewise lists under the various Genus heading the better known species of each Genus, where there are more than one, as in most cases. A general description is given of each Genus, and where species are listed, the particular tree is also described, the total being too long for this space. We will simply give the Genus and Species, which are as follows:
Genus AGLAIA, with about FIFTY Species, of which the following are listed: A. bicolor Merr. BATUKANAG; A. clarkii Merr. TUCANG-CALAO: A. diffusa Merr.
Forrest Wilson Returns
Forrest 'Wilson, The Little River Redwood Company, San Francisco, hap returned from his vacation.
C. C. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton, was a visitor to the San Francisco Bay District early in September. When in Oakland he attended the meeting of the East Bay IJoo Hoo Club.
Genus SANDORICUM, of which there are two well known species: S. koetjape Merr. SANTOL; S. vidalii Merr. MALASANTOL.
Genus TOONA, three species of which the first is one of the best known trees of the islands: T. calantas Merr. & Rolfe CALANTAS; x. T. febrifuga Harms; T. paucijuga Merr.
Genus XYLOCARPUS, three or four. species, of which two are well known: X. granatum Koen. PIAGO; X. obovatus A. Juss. TABIGI.
This list shows that at least ninety and perhaps'many more species of the Meliaceae or Mahogany family grow in the Philippines. The book quoted from shows a photograph of a cross-section of each of the better known Genus.
The Standard Planing Mill of Fresno suffered a loss estimated at $4O,00O, September 18, by fire of unknown origin.
Norton Has Acctdent
Jack Norton, Norton-Phelps Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, was the victim of a nasty accident recently when he caught his hand in one of the machines in the mill, sustaining the loss of two fingers.