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R edurrrrr.l has a 1'eal Sales Sto15r o. f,TrE Jfou tetlin$ 7a?
The combined qualities that recommend California Redwood for exterior and interior home construction are found in no other species. Each quality forms a new sales story for the retail lumber dealer to tell his customer.
In your community newhomes are being built and many others corltemplated. 'How many are and will be Redwood homes? Are these prospeets fully aequainted with the adaptability of Redwood for home construetion? Have you told them the Redwood story?
Redwood homes in your dis. trict are permanent records in your favor. Redwood sales build profit in dollars and good will, a profit you should not be missing.
Redurood ls a I/ersatile Wood
For home exteriors, Redwood has no equal. Roofs, walle and founda. tions of Redwood will rerve without attention forgenerations. Itedurability is inherent.
For the home interior Redwood responds to itE fullest beauty. Sand etching brings out thc depth of grain-handhewn bearrrs give character antl personalitypaneled walls impart distinction and provide a restful baekground of richness and quality-in antique treatment Red. wood proves a maetermedium.
Pacific National Specializes in Maranggo Maho gany---Says Identical With Tobasco
"'We have known for years that Maranggo is genuine Mahogany, and I have sold it as such," said Lawrence Kunkler, owner and operator of a new wholesale hardwood yard at 2059 East 51it Street, Los Angeles. Mr. Kunkler was with the Wilson Hardwood Company for the past four and a half years, and previous to that he was in the hardwood business in Southern Indiana. When Wilson sold out several months ago, Mr. Kunkler decided to go in business for himself. He leased a very good plant at ihe address given, and has a very good stock of domestic and foreign hardwoods already in stock.
But it is the Philippine Mahogany angle that is particul- arly interesting just at this time. Mr. I(unkler slys that more than four years ago he became interested in Maranggo, a little known wood of the Philippines, and had its botanical family certified by experts. He says that both the Department of Commerce and the Smithsonian Institute_r_eported that Maranggo was of the Family Meliaceae, the Mahogany. They likewise discovered, he says, that in appearance and character it is apparently identical with Tobasco_Mahogany, of Central America. Expert Mahogany users of Southern California assured themselves of the Charagter of this wood, and since that time much Maranggo has been imported and used in this territory.