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Terse and Interesting Facts
McCormick Interests Push "Business is Good" Mill Sidelines at St. Helens Says'C. C. Bohnhoff
The McCormick lumber interests are pretty firmly of the opinion that the side lines to the sawmill business in the 'West are preferable to the business itself, and they base that opinion on their early results of manufacturing "sawmill side lines", you might call them, in their big sawmill town at St. Helens, Oregon.
The St. Helens Pulp & Paper Company, which operates a big pulp and paper mill there from sawmill waste, is one of the most successful operations in the Northwest, and is making splendid profits on splendid paper. One of their latest lines of endeavor is manufacturing cement sacks from Craft paper. The demand for these-sacks has been increasing steadily, and many large cement firms in California and elsewhere are shipping their product in these strong and practical sacks. They have a special plant for making these cement sacks, and are now erecting-an additional and. separate plant for manufacturing smaller sacks for general c,ommercial use. Every department of.this paper business is flourishing and prosperous.
"We have had a very satisfactory summer volume of business.,. and look hopefully into the approaching winter season," says C. C. Bohnhoff, son and partner of-C. W. Bohnho{, big hardwood wholesalers of Los Angeles. The Bohnhoff yard on Alameda street is one of the best located lumber yards in the city for reaching all sorts of trade, and is always a hive of industry.
C. W. Bohnhofi started in the lumber business in Los Angeles twenty-nine years ago, working for the late E. JStanton. He started in business for himself at his present location in 1910, his son joining forces with him after the war, and taking a constantly increasing load from the shoulders of the elder man. They handle a general line of foreign and domestic hardwoods, as well as white and Sugar Pine.
G. N. Railroad Will Build Line to E. K. Wood Mill
Now they are preparing to build a plant to manufacture It is announced that construction of the Great Northern what they iall Fii-Tix, a-wall and buiiding board made en- Railroad extension to the sawmill of the E. K. Wood Lumtirely oui of sawmill refuse, bark, knots] trimml"gs ana ber Co. at Burrows B1)', 1ea_r_A_11corJe;, will start at onceedgiir_gs. _ Tttg board is much like other insulatini wali At the same time the E. K. Wood Lumber..Co. will go boirdl, dark in color, and stands up to wonderful" tests. ahead with the construction of a planing mill, a batteiy The Fir-Tex Insulating Board Compiny is a new .otfor.- of- six dry kilns, and large dry. and loading sheds, plans for tion being organized t-o build the ;la;t and. manufa"t.rre which were completed some time ago. llris product, and they expect e.t en bigger things from FirTex than they do from the paper mill.
Mr. chas. R. Mccormick expresses the opinion that the
DiamOnd Match Takin$ Over
day will come when they will grind up, not only their NeW YafdS refuse, but their low grade logs as well, in the Pacifii North- r \.rv YY t aL lru west, and that they can make them into boarcl and into /' The Diamond Match Company has been very busy for paper to better advantage than cutting them into low grade ln. p".Li,r "*J.[. i"r.i"g o.r'.,i ii-,. pnyiicat afiairs of their lumber. - (
There is another plant at st. Helens.they cau.the St. L"#l",th:iltff:ffiTtT."#?frff"ht$',$:ttitrof,S1$;; Helens Wood Products tCompany, rVhich manufactures frbm thi Tilden LumLei 6; n4iff -o-p""y: The trans"fer D-o-uglas Fir into broom handlei, and is doing a big volume was a little slower than anticip"t.a, ""i it will be October of business. 1 before all the transfers have been efiected.
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