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Mcmbcrs of the Maplc Flooring Manufacturcrs Association erc :
Cobbs & Mitchcll, Ioc. C.dilla, tr{ich.
Coooor, R. Compeoy Mrshficld, Wis, Cmmcr-DiggiosCoopoy Cedillec,Micb.
Flmncr Cooproy Blackwcll, Wis.
Fostcr-Letimir iumbct Co. Mellcn, Wis.
-Hol. He_dw@d CooFst -_ Ocooto, Wis.
Iodieor Floriog Compmy, Ncw Ymk, N. Y. (Mill et Rccd Citv- Mich-\
Koiclmd-Bigclow iomp-y' Bey City, Micb. Koelmd.MiLug Lun6.. Co. i'hilliis, wis.
Mitchcll Bro.bcrs Compaay, Cedillac, Mich,
Nicbols & Clr Lumbcr to.'Grod Repids, Micb.
Notth Brmcb Flmtiog Co. Clicego, Ill.
Northwcscm Coxretc & Luobcr Compeny- Gledrooc, Mich.
Orgood a Btodgc'tt lfug. Co. St. Paul, Mioo.
Ovrl Wood Dish Corrcretioo ' Tuppcr Lelc, N, Y. Robbios Ftoring Compeoy d[ioclaodcr, Wis. Sewycr Goodmeo Combaoy Merioccrc, Wis. Soluobcr Cooprnv' ' Gliddcn, wis. Stcpbcnson, l. Co. Trustcca Wclls, Micb, W;d Brorhcr3 Big R.pi&, Mich. Wclls,J.W. Lumbcr Caopot, Mcoooiocc,Mich. Itt ou Scmicc andReuarcbDaletmcnt astitt lot witb yu fooring poblcms. llritc ttr.
In any selling field, the road to profirs lies in the good will which has been created in the public mind. We've paved thar road for rhe man who handles Northern Hard Maple Flooring.
Month after month, we have been telling-and are conrinuing to tell-the home builders, real esrare operators and architects of America the powerful story of "Maple Floors in Color."
Month after month, we are smashiag home the advantages of Northern Hard Maple to industrial executives, flour mill owners, school board members, hotel operators, hospital superintendenrs, building managers.
The great story of Maple is yoar story-as well as ours. It paves the road tolou profits. You know that you can do your customers no greatef sefvicc than sclling thcm genuine Northern Hard Maple Flooring-and that you profit substantially by doing that scrvice. Why not join us in thc boosting of this forcmost of flooring materials? Why not ride, with us, on this well-paved road ro profits. Talk Northcrn Hard Maplc!
1788 McCormick Building, Cbiczgo, Illinoit