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Hoo Hoo News
The Orange Belt Hoo Hoo Club held their annual meeting at the San Bernardino Vallev Countrv Club on Friday, September 21.
A golf tournament was held in the afternoon over the Country Club's course in which the following participated: Dee Essley, Duff llansen, Glenn Fogleman, Earl Galbraith, Homer Wilson, R. B. Saucke, C. E. Peterson, Ralph Fell, A. W. Donovan, Richard Loveday, W. B. Wickersham, Roy Sandefer, V. W. Grubbs, Jt., H. H. Spaulding and J. E. Martin.
Dinner was served in the Club House at7:N p.m. About fifty were present. Following the dinner the winhers of the golf tournament were announced: Low Gross, Dee Essley, a $10.00 money order donated by the Riverside Portland Cement Co.; Second Low Gross, Homer Wilson, golf club donated by the Cresmer Manufacturing Co.; Low Net, V. W. Grubbs, Jr., a dozen golf balls, donated by the California Door Co.; Second Lorv Net, Richard Loveday, dozen golf balls, donated by the Schumacher Wall Board Corp.
The following officers were elected to serve for the com' ing year: President, Roy Sandefer, Dill Lumber Company, Arlington; Vice President, J. W. Bowman, Bowman-Johnson Lumber Co., Redlands; Homer Wilson, Cresmer Manufacturing Co., Riverside; Secretary-Treasurer, H. H. Spaulding, Hemet; Ed. Suverkruft, San Bernardino; Wesley Shrimp, Riverside and Dee Essley, Ontario, were elected to serve as directors.
Charles C. Adams, Adams Lumber Co., San Bernardino, was recommended for Vicegerent Snark of the Orange Belt District for the ensuing year.
Vicegerent Snark Dee Essley and the members of his Nine had charge of the Concatenation. The following Kittens were initiated: Stephen L. Gill, John Suverkrup, Riverside; Joseph M. Glines, Manor T umber Co., Rialto; Holly G. Sargent, Hansen Lumber Co., Fontana.
Boyd Comstock To Address Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
_ Harry V. Hanson, president of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, announces that Boyd Comstock, head coach at the Los Angeles Athletic Club, will address the Club at the next luncheon on Thursday, October 4. His subject will be "Staleness in Football." A big crowd is expbcted to attend.
President lfanson has arranged for a fine list of speakers for the fall months on topical subjects that will -be of great interest to the Club membership.
East Bay Hoo Hoo Club
_ Cl"q Fraser, retiring president of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, was made the recipient of a handiome traveling kit as a token of the club's appreciation of his work in the. last -y9ar, at the regular monfh-ly dinner meeting of the club, held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Septem- ber 11.
Clem turned the gavel over to his successor, H. S. Morton, of Hill & Morton, Inc.
Mr. Morton appointed the following chairmen of committees: Program, George Troth, Boulevard Mill & Lumber Co.; Finance, C. I. Gilbert, Eureka Mill Lumber Co.; Attendance, H. D. Cook, Western Door & Sash Co., and Reception, Charles Lamb.
Songs and stories by a professional entertainer were enjoyed, and later in the evening Nels Quist, Quist Brothers & Co., Hayward, led the crowd in comr4unity singing.
The president annorrnced that the directors intended to discuss at an early date the matter of holding some of the club's meetings at various points in the East Bay territory, and said that it was suggested that the next meeting would be held at lfavward.
W. J. McAvoy has been elected president of the Hilt Hoo Hoo Club. R. E. Short has been elected vice president and E. E. Vail, secretary-treasurer. The directors are: P. W. Foster, C. W. Hebard, P. M. Lyon, A. C. Olson and G. B. Bump. R. E. Boyd has been nominated for vicegerent snark.
The winners of the Fred Roth Cups for the two California Clubs having the best attendance during the_past Hoo Hoo year will be announced rn the October 15th issue.
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